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June 12, 2005

Natalee Holloway – Latest News

Posted in: Natalee Holloway

Update: Dan over at Riehl World has information that ABC reported on air that the blood in the the Honda was unrelated to this case. There is no confirmation of it, and as everything in this case has gone, this information may change.

There has not been much happening with the case that has been reported.Here is a brief synopsis of where we are at.

Fox News –

Three young men who took an Alabama honors student to the beach before she disappeared must stay in jail, a judge ruled Saturday, as Aruba’s (search) attorney general and others denied reports that one had confessed and said he would take police to the body.

As rumors mounted about the fate of 18-year-old Natalee Holloway (search), a spokeswoman for her family, Carla Caccavale, told The Associated Press: “The family confirms that a body has not been found.”

The night Holloway disappeared, she spent part of the evening partying at a restaurant and then in the back seat of a car kissing a 17-year-old Dutch student, according to lawyers quoting from testimony from two Surinamese brothers — friends of the Dutch boy — arrested in the case along with him.

Antonio Carlo, the lawyer representing the Dutch minor, said he is confident his client is “100 percent innocent.”

“My client has not confessed to any crime,” he told The Associated Press.

Police also have detained two other men — former security guards at a hotel near the one where Holloway was staying.

One of their court-appointed lawyers, Noraina Pietersz, said her client also was innocent.

“Five suspects are being held,” van der Biezen said. “We are at a very crucial, very important moment in our investigation.”

Holloway’s mother, Beth Holloway Twitty, is feeling the strain, her brother-in-law told the AP on Saturday morning. Tom “Jar” Twitty said: “She has had amazing stamina up until now.”

Holloway’s family believes she is alive, Tom Twitty said. Rumors that she is dead are “an aggressive interpretation” of what police are saying, he told The Associated Press.


Fox News: Aruban authorities investigate blood found in car.

ORANJESTAD, Aruba — Authorities investigating the disappearance of Alabama honors student Natalee Holloway were seeking clues on the source of blood found in the car used to transport the missing teen to the beach nearly two weeks ago, Aruban Justice Minister Rudy Croes (search) said.

“We have found some blood in the car, but we don’t know to whom it belongs,” he said.

UPDATE: 7:oo pm EDT – Fox News TV has confirmed that the substance found in the vehicle that was sent for test was not blood.

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