Obama Presidency has had No Real Impact on Race Relations
Posted in: Barack Obama,Politics,Polls,Racism
Racial relations another myth of Obama’s “Hope and Change” So much for the election of Barack Obama having any effect on race relations in the US. According to a recent Gallup poll, Barack Obama has had no real impact and has not changed views on race relations in America. The 56% who believe that America will work out a solution to race relations is basically the same as it was prior to the Obamamessiah being elected.
A majority of Americans, 56%, believe that a solution to America’s race-relations problem will eventually be worked out — a figure that is roughly the same as those Gallup found in the years prior to last fall’s historic election of Barack Obama as president.
One might say that race relations are worse since Obama took office, not because people are against the first elected black President of the United States, but instead because if anyone disagrees with his socialist, big government, big spending, tax increasing policies, you are branded a racist. Playing the race card is going to grow real old, real fast.
In fact, Barack Obama managed to created a racially tense situation all on his own as he smeared the Cambridge, MA police department where Obama acted “STUPIDLY” and rushed to judgment and interjected a racially motivated intentions in to the arrest of professor Gates.
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