Horrific 15 Car Crash at Las Vegas Indy Race (VIDEO) … Driver Dan Wheldon has Passed Away from Injuries

Terrible and sad news from Indy car racing.

During lap number 12 on the final race of the season at Las Vegas Motor Speedway, a disastrous and horrific crash occurred involving 15 cars at speeds of over 200 mph. Dan Wheldon, the 2011 Indy 500 winner, was the most serious injured and flown by helicopter to a nearby hospital. Sadly, Dan Wheldon died from his injuries. OMG, this was one of the worst racing accidents I have ever seen, I cannot believe more drivers were not killed or injured. Following the crash and the lack of restart of the race, one would have suspected that Wheldon’s injuries were fatal. Rest in Peace, Dan Wheldon.

Wheldon’s car goes airborn … Rest in Peace Dan Wheldon

Officials decided to call the race, but the drivers planned a five-lap tribute to Wheldon. IndyCar Series CEORandy Bernard made the officials announcement of Wheldon’s death without further comment.

Rest in Peace Dan Wheldon

“IndyCar is very sad to announce that Dan Wheldon has passed away from unsurvivable injuries,” Bernard said. “Our thoughts and prayers are with his family today. IndyCar, its drivers and owners, have decided to end the race. In honor of Dan Wheldon, the drivers have decided to do a five-lap salute to in his honor.”

Commitment to Excellence … NFL Oakland Raider Owner Al Davis Dies at Age 82 … JUST WIN BABY!!!

Al Davis, the long time owner of the “Silver & Black” Oakland Raiders has passed away at the age of 82. No cause of death was given. Davis was one of the true pioneers of the NFL, with his roots from the old AFL. Truly, one of the unique and rebellious individuals football has ever seen … Rest in Peace.

Al Davis: 1929 – 2011, Rest in Peace

Davis, the iconic owner of the “Silver & Black” was truly a breed apart, one in a million and did things his way. In 1963 at the age of 33 he became the coach and GM of the AFL’s struggling Oakland Raiders. However, his “Commitment to Excellence” and “Just Win Baby” attitude turned the misfortunes of the Raiders around and turned them into one of the best and most feared teams in NFL history. The NFL’s long time rebel has died.

Al Davis, the iconic owner of the Oakland Raiders, passed away Saturday, a senior-ranking team official confirmed. He was 82.

During Davis’ historic 48-year run with the Raiders, he won three Super Bowls and enjoyed 28 winning seasons, including a stretch of 16 from 1965 through the 1980.

Under Al Davis,  the Raiders won Super Bowls XI, XV and XVIII.  Davis was also inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1992 and is the only person to serve as a personnel assistant, scout, assistant coach, head coach, general manager, commissioner and team owner.

Posted October 8, 2011 by
Deceased, NFL, Obituary, Sports | no comments

Co-Founder of Apple Steve Jobs Dead at the Age of 56

Remembering that you are going to die, is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking that you have something to lose. You are already naked, there is no reason not to follow your heart. (Steve Jobs, 2005)

Steve Jobs: 1995 – 2011 … Rest in Peace

Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple has died at the age of 56. Sadly, we knew this day was coming as Jobs battled pancreatic cancer, but we just did not want to believe it. He recently stepped down from Apple and many knew that this day was inevitable.  However, what this man did and his vision he brought forth in life … will last an eternity. What an amazing affect this man, who never graduated college, had on all of us and the world. His family said in a released statement by Apple, Mr. Jobs “died peacefully today surrounded by his family.”


Watch Steve Jobs inspiration speech for the 2005 Stanford Commencement Address

Steve Jobs talks about death, “if you live each die as if it was your last, someday you will most certainly be right”. Jobs would ask himself every day when he looked in the mirror, if today was the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” Whenever the answer was no for too many days in a row, Jobs knew he had to change something.

From the Boston Globe:

“He taught all of us how to transform technology into magic,” said John Sculley, Apple’s chief executive in the mid-1980s, and the man who once had Jobs kicked out of the company he’d co-founded.

After he was ousted, Jobs endured a decade of exile. But the experience taught him lessons that would, once he returned, help him lead Apple to unimaginable heights of achievement.

I remember my first Mac, actually it was a Macintosh, as I just dated myself. Typing away and trying to finish my senior thesis for history. I look back on that experience and am in awe just how far we have come in the PC world and just how before its time that Mac really was. Oh those days of the floppy disk.

Steve Jobs, you will be missed, Rest in Peace.

UPDATE I: From Michelle Malkin comes an interesting and appropriate analysis in the face of the anti-capitalist rallies in NYC and across the US juxtaposed to the passing of Steve Jobs. What would the world be like without the vision o Steve Jobs, are we supposed to be upset that he made money fro his visions and hard work? Not in the slightest.

Eleanor Mondale Poling & Kara Kennedy Both Pass Away at the Age of 51

How tragic … Two daughters of Democrat Senators die far too young.

Kara Kennedy, the oldest child of the late Massachusetts Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, died of a heart attack at the age of 51 at a Washington area health club on Friday. Kara Kennedy, graduated from Tufts University, was a
filmmaker and television producer and accepted Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 for her dad Ted Kennedy on his behalf, shortly before he died. Kara Kennedy was diagnosed in 2003 with lung cancer and beat the hideous disease. Sadly, she has passed away and far too soon. More at the LA Times.  Kara Kennedy is survived by her children Grace and Max, her mother Joan, her brothers Ted Kennedy Jr. and Patrick Kennedy, as well as her stepmother Victoria Reggie Kennedy and stepsiblings Curran and Caroline Raclin.

Kara & her dad Ted Kennedy: Pic Seattle PI

“She’s with dad,” Patrick Kennedy said. Their father died in 2009 at age 77 after battling a brain tumor.

Kara Kennedy had herself battled lung cancer: In 2003, doctors removed a malignant tumor. Patrick Kennedy said that his sister loved to exercise, but that he thinks her cancer treatment “took quite a toll on her and weakened her physically.”

“Her heart gave out,” he said.

File photo by Charlie Knoblock, AP – USA TODAY

Eleanor Mondale passes out campaign literature for her father, Democratic presidential nominee Walter Mondale, Oct. 29, 1984, on Chicago’s Michigan Avenue.

Continuing the sad and tragic news, Eleanor Mondale Poling, a former TV  and radio personality and the daughter of former Vice President Walter F. Mondale, died Saturday in Prior Lake, MN at the age of 51 from brain cancer.  She had stints at Minneapolis radio station WLOL-FM, on cable television at E! Entertainment and ESPN and network TV on CBS’ “This Morning,” . Personally from dealing with this in my own family, I know how terrible brain cancer can be.  She is survived by her husband Chan Poling and her parents, her brothers, Ted Mondale, a former Minnesota state senator, and William H. Mondale, a former assistant attorney general of Minnesota.

The cause was brain cancer, which she had been battling since 2005, her family said.

“She was a wonderful daughter,” Mr. Mondale said in a telephone interview from his daughter’s home, where relatives and friends had gathered. “A great spirit, a lot of courage. She fought this stuff almost six years now, and never a whimper.”

Eleanor Mondale Poling & Kara Kennedy, Rest in Peace.

The Death of Amy Winehouse … Reported to Had Bought Ecstasy, Cocaine & Ketamine Night Before her Death

It was reported yesterday that singer Amy Winehouse was found deceased in her London home. It has yet to be determined as to how the singer died as the autopsy has yet to be completed; however, it probably does not take a brain surgeon nor legendary medical examiner Dr. Werner Spitz’s to unnecessarily open up Winehouse’s brain, as he did Caylee Anthony, to figure out that she probably did not die from an accidental drowning.

It is being reported by the UK Daily Mail, that the deceased Winehouse bought a cocktail of narcotics including cocaine, ecstasy, heroine and ketamine prior to her death. Honestly, this would not come as a shock to anyone if this proves to be true. It would just further the point of what a waste of such a talented individual that could not in the end overcome their demons. Sadly, even her own mom thought it was just a matter of time before something like this happened as she stated that her daughter seemed unwell the day before she died.

The sordid details of Amy Winehouse’s final hours emerged today, with claims that she bought a cocktail of narcotics including cocaine, ecstasy and ketamine.

Although the exact cause of death has not yet been released by police, it is claimed she was seen buying drugs from a dealer in Camden just after 10:30pm on Friday.

The reports emerged as her family released an emotional statement in which they said they were ‘bereft’ by her early death.

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