North Korean Leader Kim Jong Il Dead at the Age of 69

Kim Jong Il, the North Korean dictator is dead at the age of 69. It is being reported that he died of an apparent heart attack, according to state run media. Although many North Korean’s were seen sobbing on video, maybe the next leader of North Korea will feed his people? Kim Jung Il has ruled North Korea for the past 17 year with an iron fist. The heir-apparent to Kim Jong Il is his son, Jong-un, who is only in his 20′s. One has to wonder whether Jong-un is prepared or will have the support.

Kim Jong Il, North Korea’s mercurial and enigmatic leader, has died. He was 69.

Kim’s death was announced Monday by state television from the North Korean capital, Pyongyang.

Many more updates from the Yonhap News Agency (South Korea).  Also at CNN.

So one of the leaders of George W. Bush’s “Axis of Evil” won’t be down for breakfast or as Weasel Zippers states, hell has a new occupant. Isn’t it telling that MSM outlets refer to Kim Jung Il as … , when all of us know that the former North Korean dictator was a menace and a global annoyance.

What now for the future of North Korea and its relationship with the rest of the world? South Korea has been put on high alert.

Statement from the Obama White House:

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said late Sunday that the administration is “closely monitoring” reports of Mr. Kim’s death, that President Barack Obama had been notified and that U.S. officials are in close touch with South Korea and Japan.

“We remain committed to stability on the Korean peninsula, and to the freedom and security of our allies,” Mr. Carney said.


Posted December 19, 2011 by
Deceased, North Korea, Obituary, World | 3 comments

Christopher Hitchens Passes Away at the Age of 62, 1949–2011 … Rest in Peace

Christopher Hitchens, contributing editor of Vanity Fair, has passed away from pneumonia and complications from esophageal cancer at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas. Hitchens passes away at the age of 62 after his long bout with cancer and leaves behind his wife and /….  Just far too young, Rest in Peace.

1949–2011 … Rest in Peace

Christopher Hitchens—the incomparable critic, masterful rhetorician, fiery wit, and fearless bon vivant—died today at the age of 62. Hitchens was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in the spring of 2010, just after the publication of his memoir, Hitch-22, and began chemotherapy soon after. His matchless prose has appeared in Vanity Fair since 1992, when he was named contributing editor.

Christopher Hitchens discusses radical Musims,
Islamic cartoons and free speech

Although I can say I did not agree with much of his politics and his religious views, I can remember the stark reversal Hitchens took with President Bill Clinton and his change of views following September 11, 2001. His views on radical Muslims were spot on. However, one does not have to agree 100% with ones thoughts and views to recognize a brilliant mind and an exceptional writer, with a biting whit second to none.

No Democrat angered him more than Clinton, whose presidency led to the bitter end of Hitchens’ friendship with White House aide Sidney Blumenthal and other Clinton backers. As Hitchens wrote in his memoir, he found Clinton “hateful in his behavior to women, pathological as a liar, and deeply suspect when it came to money in politics.”

He wrote the anti-Clinton book, “No One Left to Lie To,” at a time when most liberals were supporting the president as he faced impeachment over his affair with Monica Lewinsky. Hitchens also loathed Hillary Rodham Clinton and switched his affiliation from independent to Democrat in 2008 just so he could vote against her in the presidential primary.

Read more

Harry Morgan, the Beloved Colonel Potter on ‘M*A*S*H,’ Dies at Age 96

Harry Morgan – Rest in Peace

Sad news out of the City of Angels … Harry Morgan, better known for his role as Colonel Sherman T. Potter on ‘M*A*S*H’ and Officer Bill Gannon of ‘Dragnet” fame has passed away at the age of 96 at his home in Los Angeles. His career spanned the decades and he was in over 100 movies; however, is best known for his role as Col. Sherman T. Potter of the 4077th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital unit in the Korean War on the TV series from 1975 to 1983. He  is survived by his wife, three sons, eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Harry Potter discusses his years on M*A*S*H … “I have never been on a show where I actually liked every person on that show very dearly”.

Harry Morgan, the prolific character actor best known for playing the acerbic but kindly Colonel Potter in the long-running television series “M*A*S*H,” died on Wednesday morning at his home in Los Angeles. He was 96.

His son Charles confirmed his death, saying Mr. Morgan had been treated for pneumonia recently.

In more than 100 movies, Mr. Morgan played Western bad guys, characters with names like Rocky and Shorty, loyal sidekicks, judges, sheriffs, soldiers, thugs and police chiefs.

Even though I actually preferred M*A*S*H when Mclean Stevenson was in charge of the 4077, I much enjoyed Morgan’s role on Dragnet, officer Bill Gannon, the perfect compliment to Jack Webb.  Check out the VIDEO below of Harry Morgan discussing Dragnet, his role of officer Bill Gannon and Jack Webb.

Smokin Joe Frazier Dies at age 67 following Battle with Liver Cancer

Boxing legend Smokin’ Joe passes away at the age of 67 … farewell to a real boxing champion and a warrior of days gone by … Rest in Peace Champ.

Sadly, one of the giants of boxing has died … Smoking Joe Frazier has passed away at the age of 67 after his battle with liver cancer. The world had learned over the weekend that Frazier was in failing health and had entered hospice care.  The former heavy weight boxing champion passed away at a Philadelphia area hospice according to his family. Joe Frazier was a part of the golden age of heavy weight boxing with epic battles against Muhammad Ali.

Known for his famous “Thrilla in Manila” fight in 1975 against Muhammad Ali, whom he fought three times, “Smokin’ Joe” Frazier is an inductee of both the International Boxing Hall of Fame and the World Boxing Hall of Fame.

In all, Frazier – at 5’11½ and 205 lbs., considered small for a heavywieght – won 32 fights: 27 by knockouts, losing four times (twice to Ali and also to George Foreman). Another fight ended in a draw.

More from the NY Times:

Known as Smokin’ Joe, Frazier stalked his opponents around the ring with a crouching, relentless attack — his head low and bobbing, his broad, powerful shoulders hunched — as he bore down on them with an onslaught of withering jabs and crushing body blows, setting them up for his devastating left hook.

It was an overpowering modus operandi that led to versions of the heavyweight crown from 1968 to 1973. Frazier won 32 fights in all, 27 by knockouts, losing four times — twice to Ali in furious bouts and twice to George Foreman. He also recorded one draw.

Frazier will always be known and compared to Ali for their epic three boxing battles and their contrasting styles and war of words. However, Ali always had respect for Smokin’ Joe. Ali’s comment regarding the passing of Joe Frazier, “I will always remember Joe with respect and admiration.” My sympathy goes out to his family and loved ones.”


Posted November 8, 2011 by
Cancer, Deceased, Obituary, Sports | 2 comments

Former “60 Minutes” Commentator Andy Rooney Dies at Age 92 … “Did you ever…?” … Yes Andy Did

And now a few minutes with Andy Rooney … Andy Rooney makes his final sign off … He was an American original … REST IN PEACE.

(January 14, 1919 – November 4, 2011) – RIP

It was just last month that long time CBS ’60 Minutes’ commentator signed off and did his final show.  Sadly, Andy Rooney, the TV “curmudgeon” has passed away in a New York City hospital of complications following minor surgery at the age of 92.  Andy Rooney had more than 60 years in the industry; however, is most known for his commentaries at the end of each ’60 Minutes’ show. Love him or not, agree with him or not … he was an icon, made you think and ponder some of the most important and insignificant things.  I did not agree with all that Rooney had to say, but his style, presentation and demeanor made you watch.

Andy Rooney, the “60 Minutes” commentator known to generations for his wry, humorous and contentious television essays – a unique genre he is credited with inventing – died Friday night in a hospital in New York City of complications following minor surgery. He was 92, and had homes in New York City, Rensselaerville, N.Y. and Rowayton, Conn.

One of my favorite Andy Rooney commentaries … “When Did This Become Art”

“It’s a sad day at ’60 Minutes’ and for everybody here at CBS News,” said Jeff Fager, chairman of CBS News and the executive producer of “60 Minutes.” “It’s hard to imagine not having Andy around. He loved his life and he lived it on his own terms. We will miss him very much.”

Andy Rooney Wiki.

Comments from long time ’60 Minutes’ colleague Morley Safer:

Rooney’s colleague and longtime “60 Minutes” correspondent Morley Safer told CNN Saturday that Rooney worked to the very end and that he would not have wanted it any other way.

“That’s the way to go,” Safer said. “The only thing better than three weeks would have been three minutes.”

Posted November 5, 2011 by
CBS, Celebrity, Deceased, Media, Obituary | 2 comments

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