The Sounds of Silence … HHS Sec. Kathleen Sebelius Becomes Speechless After a Reporter Tells Her How Unpopular Obamacare Is

Many Americans are speechless too as to what a joke and lie Obamacare has been …

Welcome to the new talking points of how the Obama administration is going to answer tough question when presented with just how unpopular Obamacare is. The talking points are … the sounds of silence and  crickets. They simply are going to play dumb and say nothing. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius suddenly became speechless Monday when a KWTV reporter started to describe how unpopular Obamacare is in the state of Oklahoma.

Don’t worry Kathleen Sebelius, Barack Obama and Democrats … the American people will speak later this year in the 2014 midterm elections and tell you all exactly how they feel.

The Weekly Standard:

“At last check, 64 percent of Oklahomans aren’t buying into the health care plan, they don’t like Obamacare, and they’ve been pretty vocal about it,” said the reporter. “Now that’s going to be — still continue to be — a tough sell, but we’ll see how that plays out over the coming months.”

Then he waited for Sebelius to reply. And waited.

After about 7-seconds of dead air, the reporter broke in to say, “Alright, Secretary Sebelius, thank you so much for being with us this morning. I think we’ve probably lost sound here or something.”

“I can hear you,” Sebelius said, ending her silence. “But I — thanks for having me.”

Are You Serious, Barack Obama Lectures on Budgeting, Obama Says … You Can Afford Obamacare If You Cut Out Cable & Cell Phones from Your Lives

El Ling Mentira: Hmm, I thought Obama’s ‘Affordable Healthcare Act’ was supposed to be affordable? Or as they say south of the border … asequible.

It would appear that even the Hispanics have problems with Obamacare. At a town hall-style meeting with the Spanish-language media, President Barack Obama had the audacity to actually arrogantly lecture others on budgeting properly in order to pay for his signature piece of legislation. What the hell would Obama know about budgeting? This from the president who has increased our federal debt more than any other one in history. When a consumer complained in a letter that he could not find affordable rates under Obamacare, Obama said smugly that maybe he has not prioritized health care.UNREAL!!!

“If you looked at their cable bill, their telephone, their cell phone bill, other things they are spending on. It may turn out that, it’s just they haven’t prioritized health care.”

The difference is Mr. President that it is their choice to own cable or a cell phone, not a federally mandated law to purchase a product or be be hit with a punitive tax for a service that one does not even purchase. As all can see from this Spanish-language town hall, even Hispanics loath Obamacare. Hint, hint GOP!!!

President Obama says Choose Between Cable, Phone or Health Care.

Daniel Garza, Executive Director of The LIBRE Initiative released the following statement:

“If the President actually believes that a family earning less than $40,000 per year can afford nearly $4,000 in health insurance premiums, then he truly does not understand middle-income families. Americans do not need the President to tell them how to Budget their households. People are already cutting back on things like cable television and cell phones, just to compensate for an awful economy.This President promised he would deliver on affordable health care. Instead, premiums are up, out-of-pocket expenses are up, and overall cost of living is up. The President simply doesn’t get it. And his condescending attitude adds insult to injury.”

The Gateway Pundit reminds us of more of Obama’s lies to the American people regarding the cost of Obamacare. In the video below, Obama says that the cost of Obamacare will cost less than a cell phone. Now he tells people they have to prioritize and give up their cell phone to pay for Obamacare. What a joke. How would that political slogan have played prior to the 2012 presidential campaign … You can have Obamacare or your smart phone, not both … YOU DECIDE!

This man truly is ‘El Ling Mentira’.

Republican David Jolly Defeats Democrat Alex Sink in Florida Special Election for #FL13 … In a District Obama won in 2008 & 2012

A sign of things to come for the upcoming 2014 midterm elections … Republicans defeat Democrats in special election vote in Florida, a district that Obama was twice.

Republican David Jolly has defeated Democrat Alex Sink to win the special election in Florida’s 13th district. Despite being outspent 4 to 1, despite being the lesser known candidate and despite being behind in polls ahead of the special election, Jolly defeated Sink 48.5% to 46.5%.  Libertarian Lucas Overby had 4.8%.  OUCH, that is going to leave a stinging mark on Democrats.  Is this a harbinger of things to come this Fall? Although the seat has been held by a popular Republican for years, Barack Obama carried the district in 2008 by 8.2% and in 2012 by 5.6% . This is a perfect example of a snap shot in time to see just how unpopular Obama has become and namely, Obamacare. Florida-13 is a swing district in a swing state that covers most of Pinellas County between Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, including parts of St. Petersburg.

Vote_special election FL13

Pic source – CNN

Republican David Jolly narrowly defeated Democrat Alex Sink in the special election for Florida’s 13th District on Tuesday in an unusually expensive race watched closely by both parties as the midterm election season kicks into high gear.

With 100 percent of precincts reporting, Jolly beat Sink, 48.5 percent to 46.6 percent, according to The Associated Press.

Both Democrats and the GOP plowed millions of dollars into the swing district race in hopes of an election year boost. The results appeared to vindicate the strategy of the GOP, which focused its attacks on linking Sink to Obamacare and managed to win with an untested candidate who had frustrated many in the national party.

Sink was “ultimately brought down because of her unwavering support for Obamacare, and that should be a loud warning for other Democrats running coast to coast,” National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Greg Walden said in a statement.

The folks on MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ had to admit that this is a devastating blow to Democrats and Democrat moral for the 2014 elections. Republicans in Washington thought that Jolly was a bad candidate. Doesn’t that show how much the GOP establishment knows? This stinging defeat of a Democrat hand-picked, centrist candidate, who had previously run for Florida governor shows the rest of the Democrat politicians that they cannot run on the notion that Obamacare is good. One has to wonder whether Obama will be asked to campaign in any states or districts unless they are absolute sure races or a Democrat running unopposed.

As stated at the Tampa Bay Tribune, David Jolly’s victory Tuesday in the U.S. House District 13 special election represents a clear repudiation of Obamacare.

Powerline weighs in on the impact of Florida 13′s special election, Dave Wasserman, the editor of the non-partisan Cook Political Report and certainly not a Republican operative, says “If Dems couldn’t win an Obama congressional district with a solid candidate against a flawed R, expect a rough November.”

Please do not confuse Dave Wasserman and Liberal Florida House Democrat election denier Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who said last night following the Democrat defeat, that the Democrat loss in special election shows GOP weakness. Really Debbie, you can say that with a straight face, eh? Next thing Debbie will be telling folks, if you like your helthcare plan, you can keep it.

“Republican special interest groups poured in millions to hold onto a Republican congressional district that they’ve comfortably held for nearly 60 years. Tonight, Republicans fell short of their normal margin in this district because the agenda they are offering voters has a singular focus – that a majority of voters oppose – repealing the Affordable Care Act that would return us to the same old broken health care system,” Wasserman Schultz said in a DNC rapid response statement.

Vote_special election FL13_2

pic – screen shot from MSNBC Video above

Let the Democrat ostrich head in the sand spin begin and them shaking in their collection boots when the camera is off.

Barack Obama & the Tax Man Cometh … IRS Warns that Obamacare Tax Must Be Paid with Tax Return

Barack Obama, Democrats and their tech folks have managed to “F” up every part of Obamacare from policy to implementation, from coverage to enrollment, but there is one thing you can count on … the IRS coming after you for the Obamacare tax. If there is one thing you can count on with Obama, that is he will find a way to tax you. You laughed at conservatives and the Tea party when the IRS targeted them, just wait until they come after you.

Barack Obama gave an extention to the employer Obamacare mandate, but not to “We the People”. For average, everyday Americans he plans on having the IRS come after you.

Can only imagine how Obama will use the IRS with collecting tax for Obamacare


Hat Tip: Drudge Report

Agency employs Orwellian term “Shared Responsibility Payment” to describe Obamacare individual mandate tax.

President Obama’s Internal Revenue Service today quietly released a series of Obamacare “Health Care Tax Tips” warning Americans that they must obtain “qualifying” health insurance – as defined by the federal government – or face a “shared responsibility payment” when filing their tax returns in 2015. The term “shared responsibility payment” refers to the Obamacare individual mandate tax, one of at least seven tax hikes in the healthcare law that directly hit families making less than $250,000 per year.

In “Four Tax Facts about the Health Care Law for Individuals” the agency writes:

Your 2014 tax return will ask if you had insurance coverage or qualified for an exemption.  If not, you may owe a shared responsibility payment when you file in 2015.

In “The Individual Shared Responsibility Payment- An Overview” the agency warns Americans they must prove they were covered each and every month of the year:

Minnesota Voters Ask Their Politicians What All Americans Want to Know … “I Thought the Affordable Care Act Would Save $2500 per family?”


Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN, 1st District) and Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN, 7th District) left the DC beltway and went back to came back to Mankato, Minnesota the other day to meet and greet their constituents at South Central College.  The three Democrats talked at length about the farm bill; however, it was the question from the People on Obamacare that was the show stopper. One of the people in audience asked the following question that created quite the awkward moment … “I thought the Affordable Health Care Act was to save families $2500 a year in premiums”.

Just curious … why are Democrats laughing that the American people were lied to?

KEYC – Mankato News, Weather, Sports -

The lawmakers fielded other questions as well, talking debt and immigration reform, but it was the question about the struggling health care law that everyone in the audience wanted to see answered, and two out of the three Democrats on the dais seemed hesitant to tackle.

The question: “I thought the Affordable Care Act would save $2500 per family. What happened?”

After Sen. Klobuchar and Rep. Walz looked at each other, laughter broke out in the room.

Rep. Peterson quickly picked up the microphone to say, “I voted ‘no’, so I’ll let these guys handle that,” to the applause of the crowd.

This is the exact same discussion that Democrats are going to have to face when they meet the people when they return home to campaign for the 2014 elections. However, many of the individuals at Town Hall meetings, meet b& greets and campaign stops in other states, cities and towns may not be in such a laughing mood.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air is quick to shred Rep. Tim Walz’s attempt to bring out the latest’s Democrat talking point in defense of Obamacare that “don’t pretend there was some type of safe harbor before this where everything was just peachy keen.” Actually, it was for an overwhelming majority of Americans.

Really? We can test this thesis. Before the passage of ObamaCare, we have polling from Gallup about the status of satisfaction with health care in the US. In September 2009, 85% of Americans had health insurance — and 87% expressed satisfaction with their health care, while 61% were satisfied with the costs associated with it. Fifty percent of the uninsured were satisfied with their health care, although 69% were dissatisfied with the costs.

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