Islamist Terror Attack in Paris France … 12 Killed at French Satirical Magazine Charlie Hebdo (VIDEO of Attack)(Update: Shouted “Allahu Akbar!”)

Islamist Terror Attack in Paris France …

Eleven people are dead and 5 in critical condition after a terrorist attack at the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.  This is the same magazine that was fire-bombed in November 2011 a day after it carried a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad.The attack took place at 11.30 am local time as two black-hooded individuals  entered the building with assault rifles and opened fire. The terror suspects who committed this heinous act are on the loose and a massive manhunt is underway.

This was not a lone wolf attack, this was an orchestrated terror attack on a media organization with a getaway plan. This was not a terrorist suicide attack looking to end up with 72 virgins. The training these men appear to have had is startling. Political correctness kills folks, get tough on terrorists or else.

Gunmen have attacked the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 people and injuring seven in an apparent Islamist attack.

At least two masked attackers opened fire with assault rifles in the office and exchanged shots with police in the street outside before escaping by car.

The gunmen shouted “we have avenged the Prophet Muhammad”, witnesses say.

President Francois Hollande said there was no doubt it had been a terrorist attack “of exceptional barbarity”.

A major police operation is under way in the Paris area to catch the killers.

ABC NEWS Video – 12 Dead in “cowardly attack”. 

UPDATE I:  12 dead after gun attack at French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo.

Twelve people are confirmed dead, 10 from the  Charlie Hebdo magazine and 2 police officers.

A huge manhunt is underway in Paris after at least 12 people were killed and seven others injured in a shooting at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Police said two of those killed were police officers and that four of the wounded are in a critical condition.

Witness Benoit Bringer said the attack started at 11.30 am local time: “Two black-hooded men entered the building with Kalashnikovs (automatic assault rifles). A few minutes later we heard lots of shots.” He added the men were then seen fleeing the building.

Other reports spoke of three or four gunmen, who made off in a car which may have been hijacked, hitting a pedestrian as they drove.

President Francois Hollande called it “an act of barbarism”. He added: “This is a terrorist attack, there is no doubt about it.”

The government said it was raising France’s security level to the highest notch and the prime minister’s office confirmed extra security has been put in place at official buildings and media offices.

UPDATE II: VIDEO of attack:

VIDEO – Reuters


Hooded gunmen stormed the Paris offices of a weekly satirical magazine known for lampooning radical Islam, killing at least 12 people, including two police officers in the worst militant attack on French soil in recent decades.

One of the men was captured on video shouting “Allah!” as four shots rang out. Two assailants were then seen calmly leaving the scene.

In another clip on Television station iTELE, they are heard shouting: “We have killed Charlie Hebdo. We have avenged the Prophet Mohammad.”

UPDATE III: The UK Telegraph – Paris Charlie Hebdo attack: (LIVE – VIDEO):

13.56 Charlie Hebdo cartoonist has told a French newspaper of the moment he encountered the two attackers as they entered the office.

The gunmen apparently said: “We’re al-Qaeda”:

Quote I had gone to get my daughter at nursery.

When I arrived in front of the door of the building of the paper, two men hooded and armed brutally threatened us.

They wanted to come in, go up. I pressed in the code.

They shot on Wolinski, Cabu… it lasted 5 minutes… I had hidden under my desk… they spoke French perfectly… they said they we’re al-Qaeda.

UPDATE IV: VIDEO (Warning) Check out these sick SOB’s as they shoot and kill a wounded police officer on the side walk.

More VIDEOS can be seen at TWS.

National Fraternal Order of Police Asks for Cop Killings to be Included in Federal Hate Crimes Law


The National Fraternal Order of Police is asking for the Congressional hate crimes statute to be expanded to include crimes against police officers. If we do have a federal hate crime statute, then it might as well be written to include the murder of police officers. According to FBI statistics, about 21.7% of non-accidental law enforcement deaths since 2004 were ambush attacks. My personal belief is that murder is murder and it is hard to say that some one should be punished more for a hate crime than committing a murder in the commission of any crime. What is to say what is in one’s mind when they commit murder, usually all no good. However, I do believe that the murder of a police officer should be prosecuted and punished in a much different and extreme measures so to deter any thought of sicko punks and thugs that would ever consider murdering a police officer. You take the life of a police officer, yours will be taken as well.


In the wake of the murder of two New York City police officers and a national debate about policing, the National Fraternal Order of Police is asking for the Congressional hate crimes statute to be expanded to include crimes against police officers. The union has more than 300,000 members.

Violence against police officers that is motivated by anti-police bias should be prosecuted as a hate crime, the nation’s largest police union is arguing in a letter to President Barack Obama and Congressional leaders this week.

“Right now, it’s a hate crime if you attack someone solely because of the color of their skin, but it ought to be a hate crime if you attack someone solely because of the color of their uniform as well,” said Jim Pasco, the executive director of the National Fraternal Order of Police.

“Enough is enough! It’s time for Congress to do something to protect the men and women who protect us,” Chuck Canterbury, the president of the union, said in a statement Monday. The group has long lobbied for harsher punishment for those who harm law enforcement officers.

Jury Selection Begins Monday in the Boston Marathon Bombing Case of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

Boston Bombing: Trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Begins Monday With Jury Selection.

Today, the trial begins for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev in the case of the Boston Marathon bombing . Jury selection begins as 3000 people have been put on notice as to potential jurors to make up 12 jurors and 6 alternates.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev_boston bomber

The man charged with the terror attack near the finish line of the 2013 Boston Marathon goes on trial Monday in a federal courthouse less than two miles from where two bombs, concealed in backpacks, exploded with devastating force.

Despite repeated requests from defense lawyers for a delay or a change of venue away from Boston, a federal appeals court Saturday cleared the way for jury selection to begin.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, is charged with 30 criminal counts in the April 2013 bombings, which killed three people and injured 260 others, and for in the murder of an MIT campus police officer, Sean Collier, a few days after the bomb attack.

Tsarnaev has pleaded not guilty. His older brother, Tamerlan, also accused in the crimes, died in a shootout with police.

CNN – Boston bombing trial lawyers fail to reach plea deal.

As accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev goes on trial Monday few doubt the outcome of the first phase of the two-phase trial. It’s the second, the sentencing phase, including a possible death sentence, that has been the subject of behind the scenes discussions.

Federal prosecutors and defense attorneys for Tsarnaev have held talks on a possible plea agreement but failed to reach one, U.S. officials familiar with the talks say.

The discussions in recent months have centered on the possibility of Tsarnaev pleading guilty and receiving a life sentence without parole, according to the officials.

WAR ON THE POLICE: Gun Related Deaths for U.S. Police Officers Rose by 56% in 2014 … Krauthammer: “If There’s A Pattern Here, It’s The War on Police.”

The liberal MSM and race hustlers would like you to believe that cops target black men … the truth is that there is a “War on Police”.

If you believed President Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, NYC Mayor De Blasio, race hustler Al Sharpton and the liberal media, you would think that there is a sudden epidemic of white police officers targeting and killing black men. To listen to these race-baiters, centuries of racism are at the root of this “War on Young Black Men,” with  the recent deaths of Eric Brown in Ferguson, Missouri and Eric Brown in Brooklyn, NY. REALLY? Let’s take a look at the facts and we will see that the facts show that there is a war on the police. In 2014, there was a 56% increase in gun-related deaths of police officers in the United States. Many Americans are only aware of the ambush murders of NYPD officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Lu; however, there there have been so many more. According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 50 police officers dies in the line of duty in 2014, where 1/3 or 15 officers were shot and killed in ambush style shootings. Sadly, a total of 126 law enforcement officers died in the line of duty in 2014, a 24 percent increase from 2013. God bless their souls and thank you for your service.

Law enforcement funeral

Gun related deaths of U.S. law enforcement officers rose by 56 percent in 2014 compared to the previous year, with about one-third of officers killed in an ambush, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund said on Tuesday.

Across the country, 50 officers were killed by guns in 2014 compared to 32 in 2013, according to the website of the non-profit fund, which aims to increase safety for law enforcement officers.

The most deadly states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Georgia, the group said.

“Fifteen officers were shot and killed in ambush, more than any other circumstance of fatal shootings in 2014,” the website said.

Charles Krauthammer: “If There’s A Pattern Here, It’s The War on Police. I Don’t See A War on Young Black Men”

Real Clear Politics:

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: Jason [Riley] is right. The narrative about it’s open season on young black men and police are responsible is preposterous. Let’s take the most egregious case. The one where I think there was a miscarriage of justice with the grand jury in Staten Island in the Garner case. There is not a shred of evidence that race had had anything to do with that event. Even in Ferguson here was a guy who essentially assaulted a police officer, tried to get his gun. There was no evidence that he was acting because of racial motives.

I’ll tell you if there is a narrative here, if there is a pattern, it’s what’s happening on the streets in regard to police. Let me give you just a run down. Same day as the shooting in New York, St. Louis off-duty cop shot at. December 21, Tarpon Springs, Florida, police officer shot at, run over by a car. Killed. Christmas Day, Durham [NC], police officer shot at. December 27th, Flagstaff [AZ], police officer shot and on the street. Yesterday, Dade City, Florida, two officers shot at. Yesterday, L.A., two police officers shot at, on the highway. If there is a pattern here, it’s the war on police. I don’t see a war on young black men.

24 Year Old Police Officer Tyler Stewart Shot & Killed in Flagstaff, AZ While Investigation a Domestic Violence Call … Murdered by Robert W. Smith


24 year old Flagstaff police officer Tyler Stewart was shot and killed on Saturday as he responded to a domestic violence call in Flagstaff, Arizona. Officer Stewart while responding to an earlier domestic violence call in the 800 block of West Clay Avenue in Flagstaff when he encountered suspect Robert W. Smith of Prescott, AZ. Officer Stewart was ambushed and shot dead by Robert W. Smith. The cop killer then turned the gun on himself and shot himself dead.

Officer Stewart, Rest in Peace. Our hearts and prayers go out to the family, friends and Flagstaff police department.

Tyler-Jacob-Stewart_Photo Flagstaff Police Department

Flagstaff police officer Tyler Jacob Stewart, 24, was shot and killed during a confrontation
with a domestic violence suspect Saturday, Dec. 27, 2014, in Flagstaff, Arizona

Officer Tyler Stewart encountered a suspect at a home in the 800 block of West Clay Avenue during an investigation of an earlier domestic-violence call, spokeswoman Sgt. Margaret Bentzen said. Robert W. Smith of Prescott, fired several shots at Stewart, who was outside his patrol car, police said. Smith then shot himself dead, according to police.

Additional officers were dispatched after Stewart’s emergency button went off and dispatchers could no longer get a verbal reply from him, Bentzen said. He was rushed to Flagstaff Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead.

“This is an enormous tragedy for our department and the family of our officer,” Flagstaff Police Chief Kevin Treadway said in a statement. “We are a very close-knit organization, and know that all members of the Flagstaff Police Department are grieving at this time. With that being said, all of the men and women of the Flagstaff Police Department extend our prayers and condolences to the family of our Officer Tyler Stewart.”

VIDEO – ABC15 Arizona

Flagstaff officer risked his life for us … routinely.

I could not have said it any better than AZ Central columnist EJ Montini, when it comes to what police officers routinely do in putting themselves into harms way no matter how deadly or not the common person thinks it is.

“Every ‘routine’ call is routine until it’s not,” a police officer told me once. “Which is why you have to assume that every call is not routine. And even then… it might not save you.”

This was decades ago. I was standing in the back parking lot of a convenience store where a Phoenix police officer has been killed after a “routine” confrontation with a shoplifter.

This is what they do for us.

They risk everything each time they pull over a driver for speeding or a broken taillight, not knowing what to expect when they approach the driver’s window. Each time they answer a “routine” call for a shoplifter, an aggressive panhandler, a disorderly drunk, a possible domestic dispute.

Every “routine” call represents their willingness to put their lives on the line.

That’s what they do for us.

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