CNN’s Jake Tapper Cuts off Interview with White House Adviser Stephen Miller … “I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’ time” (VIDEO)


Remember when CNN was actually a trusted name in news? Nope, me neither. The below interview by CNN’s Jake Tapper shows the vile venom that drips through the liberal media’s veins in their all out effort to reverse an election of the People.

Smug, snide and condescending comments from Tapper

Jake Tapper Smug Snide

Amazing … there appears to be no freedom of speech at CNN. When the condescending media hack Jake Tapper got handed his lunch and did not like what he was hearing, which was a valid defense of President Trump and how he was elected to the White House, Tapper cut the interview.  White House Aid Stephen Miller slammed ‘Fire and Fury’ as ‘grotesque work of fiction’ in tense interview. Which by most accounts, it pretty much is. But that does not fit the liberal, hate Trump, try and impeach Trump agenda. So when the president was defended and CNN was called fake new to their face, the Democrat media complex did what they do best, stifle free speech and not let Americans hear an opposing side and the truth.

The below video is a perfect example why CNN and the liberal media can no longer be trusted. It is not about the news, its about their get Trump agenda.

Trump White House Aid escorted off CNN set:

A top White House aide was escorted off a CNN set Sunday when he refused to leave after a heated interview with host Jake Tapper.

White House policy adviser Stephen Miller was asked “politely” to leave the “State of the Union” set several times but ignored the requests, a CNN official told the Washington Examiner. Security then escorted him out.

Miller slammed CNN’s coverage of Trump and the release of Michael Wolff’s tell-all book, Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House, which shines an unflattering light on the president.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) Says About Media & Fake News …I Have ‘Newfound Empathy’ for President Trump


As reported at The Hill, Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) stated that he had a “newfound empathy” for President Donald Trump after the MSM that had been so kind to him in the past, turned on him as he received his own brand of fake new coverage. The fake news charge was in reference to the so-called “Corker kickback” that was alleged by the liberal MSM and the LEFT. Of course it was false and categorically denied by Sen. Corker. But what else would you expect the LEFT to do but lie? However, it is better late than never that Corker, who has feuded with Trump over the past year, that Corker now knows what it feels like to walk for one second in the shoes of President Donald Trump. Maybe Republicans, especially RINO’s and establishment Republicans will now understand where the MSM’s allegiance really lay.

Sorry LEFT, you must mean the Corn Husker kickback and Landrieu Louisiana Purchase for Democrat payoffs to pass Obamacare.

Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) said Thursday he has “newfound empathy” for President Trump after a report he benefited from a provision in the final GOP tax bill went viral.

“I told (Trump) that I’d had a healthy respect for the media and I deal with them all the time, and, you know, to attack the media has not been something I’ve done,” Corker said on Fox News.

“I’ve never ever in my life used the work ‘fake news’ until today. I actually understand what it is the president has been dealing with,” he continued.

Corker was responding to a story first reported by International Business Times and picked up by other outlets that a provision added to the tax bill during the reconciliation process would directly benefit those with real estate holdings, like Corker.

Corker said he was unaware of the provision, and said it was included in the House version of the bill then included in the final version submitted from a conference committee.

Corker said he spoke with Trump on Wednesday about his “newfound empathy” for the president, who has frequently singled out news outlets for their reporting and labeled them “fake news.”

“He just mentioned that he’d been dealing with this for over a year, and look, I’m sorry I’ve witnessed it firsthand, it is not good,” Corker said. “I know other people have witnessed the same. I have a newfound empathy for what he and others have been dealing with this in this regard.

Trump Senior Policy Advisor Stephen Miller Shreds CNN’s Jim Acosta on Immigration: “That is One of the Most Outrageous, Insulting Things You’ve Ever Said” (VIDEO)


Watch the VIDEO below and you will see and understand the liberal bias and their ivory tower attitude and bias that only people from English speaking countries speak English. UNREAL. The LEFT and libs from CNN and the MSM actually believe and espouse the fact that no one in France, Spain, Germany, the Middle East, China, Japan and even Mexico speak English. Miller said to Acosta, “Do you at CNN really don’t know the difference between greed card policy and illegal immigration?” Sadly, the answer is not that they don’t, they don’t want to and they do it intentionally. Here is a news flash to CNN, the rest of the MSM and the LEFT, immigration policy is meant to benefit the United States and its citizens, not the immigrant.

Maybe it is the LEFT who is really racist for even thinking like they do?

Take a look at what goes on everyday in the liberal newsrooms like CNN, MSNBC and their ilk as CNN’s Jim Acosta attempted to make the immigration bill seem as if it was some type of a racist bill that went against the fiber of America as he made a comment about that Statue of Liberty. This should have been a SNL skit, not real news as it was laughable.

“What the President is proposing here does not sound like its in keeping with American tradition when it comes to immigration, the Statue of Liberty says give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, it doesn’t say anything about speaking English or being able to be a computer programmer, aren’t you trying to change what it means to be an immigrant coming into this country telling them they have to speak English?”

Stephen Miller then decided to educate the ignorant  Acosta:

“Well, first of all, right now, it’s a requirement that to be naturalized you have to speak English, so the notion that speaking English wouldn’t be part of the immigration system would be actually very ahistorical …”

The real bombshells come at about 4:25 of the video when Stephen Miller completely destroys Jim Acosta and his elitist, liberal, cosmopolitan views. This was an epic take-down:

“Jim that is one of the most outrageous, insulting, ignorant, and foolish things you’ve ever said, and for you, that’s still a really . . . the notion that you think that this is a racist bill is so wrong and so insulting, Jim the reality is that the foreign born population into our country has quadrupled since 1970, that’s a fact, it’s been mostly driven by green card policy. Now, this bill allows for immediate nuclear family members to come into the country, much as they would today, and it adds an additional points-based system . . .”

Huckabee Sanders: Stephen Miller put Jim Acosta in his place

President Donald Trump Holds “MAGA” Rally in Youngstown, Ohio … They Give Trump a Hero’s Welcome (VIDEO)


Last night President Donald J. Trump held a “MAGA” rally in Youngstown, Ohio. President Trump went straight to the America people and cut through the fake news. No longer will the likes of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, the WAPO and the rest be able to lie to the American people and spew their liberal, hate-Trump agenda. Now words are necessary … Just watch the speech below and you will understand how Donald Trump won the 2016 Presidential election and how Trump pierced the Blue wall of the Rustbelt states. The LEFT and MSM just don’t get it and cannot stand that Trump goes over their head and directly to the American People.


VIA The New York Post:

This town was on fire.

By 1 in the afternoon on Tuesday, every main thoroughfare downtown was filled with happy people heading toward the Covelli Centre. Folks dressed in red, white and blue crisscrossed the main grids as vendors sold “Make America Great Again” ball caps, American flags and bottles of water.

Thousands had filled the gravel parking lot to wait until the doors opened at 4, license plates revealing they had traveled from as far as Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania and West Virginia to see the president speak directly to them in this Rust Belt city.

Music played on almost every corner as Donald Skowron, a retired Youngstown police officer, drove his green pickup truck up and down Champion Street — in the back, a 6-by-8-foot homemade wooden Trump-Pence sign straddling the bed of the truck, with two large Trump flags flowing from the top.

Six months after Donald J. Trump was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States, he received a hero’s welcome in this town. The festive scene made a counter-visual to the daily nonstop press reports about investigations into members of his inner circle, Russian interference in last year’s election and the debate over ObamaCare.

Trump’s approval rating, according to Gallup, is 39 percent. Youngstown is the 39 percent.

On Monday, police said the advance ticket request of over 20,000 had exceeded the 6,000-seat capacity of the center, prompting the event coordinators to put a large screen outside the center for the overflow crowd.

Dave Torrance, from Hermitage, Pa., had left early in the morning with three of his friends to see Trump. Torrance, 71, wore a blue ball cap with “American Patriot” embroidered across the top and a navy T-shirt with an American flag across the front.

More FAKE News … AP Makes Correction to Trump-Russia Stories (FOUR, Not 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies)


On the Friday of a July 4th holiday day week with many not paying attention, the AP took the opportunity to report that they have been reporting FAKE NEWS for quite some time. Earlier in the week, the NY Times did the same retraction. It would appear that they, the AP, and numerous other media outlets and Democrat politicians have been using the fictitious number of 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump. It turns out to be a fabricated number. Because 17 sounds much more impressive than 4.  In essence, the AP, and  in turn Democrats were trying to make it sound like 100% of the US  intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump. Actually, it was only 23.5%. Hmm, that’s much difference, isn’t it?

This news was put out by the media as weaponized information against Donald Trump. The MSM colluded with the Democrat party. Who leaked this information to the media who purposely put forth this incorrect information so that the MSM would run with it and it would become talking points for Democrats.

In stories published April 6, June 2, June 26 and June 29, The Associated Press reported that all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have agreed that Russia tried to influence the 2016 election to benefit Donald Trump. That assessment was based on information collected by three agencies – the FBI, CIA and National Security Agency – and published by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which represents all U.S. intelligence agencies. Not all 17 intelligence agencies were involved in reaching the assessment.

How much more fake news do we have to have forced upon us for the American people to understand that the MSM really can no longer be trusted? The media has an agenda and they are colluding with the Democrat party. Maybe that is the investigation that needs to be looked into?

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