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July 25, 2016

DNC Erects 4-Mile & 8-Foot Fence Around Philly Convention Site at Wells Fargo Center … But a Mexico Border Fence is Bad

Posted in: Democratic National Convention,Democrats,DNCC,Double Standard,Hypocrisy,Liberal Intolerance,Liberals,Progressives,Socialist,WTF


The optics at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA are priceless. After the Democrats and the Left claim that walls and borders are evil and that no fence need be built between the United States of America and Mexico to enforce legal immigration, stop crime, disease and drugs from illegally crossing the border and to protect our national security … the DNC builds a 4- mile, 8-foot fence around the Wells Fargo Center to protect their DNC privileged elites so that they do not have to deal or interact with the common folk. Wait, where is the bridge that Democrats talk about so much?

DNC Philly Fence2

To the Democratic National Committee elites, keeping average Americans away from their convention is a good idea, while protecting the southern border from intruding terrorists, rapists and murderers is a bad one.

The DNC has erected a four-mile fence around its convention site at Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center. (Isn’t it ironic they’re doing so much to protect a site named after a bank?)

The fence, which appears to be about 8 feet tall, is intended to keep out any individuals with whom Democratic Party leaders, delegates and other liberal elites would rather not mingle.

DNC Philly Fence

But what else would you expect from a bunch of elitist hypocrites who make one set of rules for themselves and another set for the common man. This is from the same people who claim that building a higher wall between the US and Mexico would accomplish nothing, yet they are building a higher fence that surrounds the White House.

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