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December 26, 2015

Socialist Bernie Sanders Calls Out the Liberal MSM for Giving Donald Trump Too Much Attention … Boo Hoo, Liberal MSM Not Giving Liberals Enough Air Time

Posted in: Bernie Sanders (I-VT),CNN,Democrat-Media Complex,Democrat/Obama Propaganda,Donald Trump,Donald Trump,Double Standard,Liberal Intolerance,Liberals,Media,Media Bias,Presidential Contenders,Progressives,Socialism,TV


Oh the irony, Socialist and Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders appeared on CNN with Chris Cuomo and whined over the media coverage that was being given to Donald Trump.  Sanders stated that the MSM was giving Trump too much media attention and was only doing so because Donald Trump makes “bombastic” and “silly” remarks. Hmm, because backing a socialist agenda and making silly “socialist” comments don’t seem to catch the attention of a capitalist media, go figure?

Sanders called out Cuomo and stated that all the attention to Trump was “more of an indictment of the media, than of Trump”. Cuomo pushed back on Sanders, arguing that Trump’s coverage is reflective of his popularity in the polls. However, Sanders has a point, but this is not anything different than they have ever done. But normally, the MSM is just paying attention to ridiculous liberal crap that is of no consequence as Rome burns.

Isn’t it comical though to see a liberal, and in this case a socialist, complaining about how much media coverage the liberal and bias MSM is giving to a Republican candidate? I cannot remember ever seeing such a thing. Of course, Sanders is acting as if all the media coverage for Trump is positive. But for liberals/socialists to complain the liberal MSM is not giving them enough air time is priceless.

Bernie Sanders says Donald Trump makes “bombastic” and “silly” remarks because they get media coverage — and blamed the press for falling for the real estate developer’s act.

“I’ll give you one example,” Sanders said in an interview that aired Thursday on CNN’s “New Day.” “A recent study showed on ABC evening news, Trump over a period of time got 81 minutes of time. Bernie Sanders got 20 seconds. Now you tell me why.”

Sanders continued, “I think it has to do with the fact that Trump is very smart. He knows that media is not so interested in the serious issues facing this country. They love bombastic remarks. They love silly remarks,” he told host Chris Cuomo. “I think this is more of an indictment of the media than it is Trump.”

But Cuomo pushed back on Sanders, arguing that Trump’s coverage is reflective of his popularity in the polls.

“I don’t see it,” Cuomo said. “Do we cover him more? Yes. Why? He’s number one in the polls. He’s highly relevant. He drives the discussion.”

But Sanders — who is trailing Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton 34% to 50% in a CNN/ORC poll released Wednesday -- interrupted Cuomo to say that Trump is on top because he is able to get his message out due to all of the media coverage.

But that is what socialism is all about, everything is the same. It is giving irrelevant people and issues the same amount of attention and time as the most important and pending ones. Don’t worry Bernie, you will be given a participation trophy after Hillary Clinton wins the Democrat primaries.

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