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September 21, 2015

Ben Carson Does Not Back Down and Will Not Apologize for Comments For Not Advocating a Muslim be President of the United States

Posted in: 2016 Elections,Benjamin Carson,Conservatives,Islam/Muslims,Islamofascist,Presidential Election,Primaries,Radical Islam,Republican,Sharia Law,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO


According to The Politico, GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson will not apologize for he comments he made this weekend on ‘Meet the Press’ when he told host Chuck Todd, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.” Carson stated that the teachings of Islam were not consistent with the United States Constitution. Even to the Left one would think that would be a no-brainer. But of course the always offended crowd are up in arms over Carson’s comments. But fools like socialist Bern  Some calling for Carson to apologize, even some spineless Republicans. Business manager and conservative radio host Armstrong Williams told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on ‘New Day,’ … “It is not about Christian, it is not about Jew, it is not about religion. It is about what one believes and what they would advocate if they became president of these United States.” Williams went on to say that Carson “will not take it back.”

Imagine having the opinion and belief that  it is a bad thing for a President of the United States to be sworn into office with their hand on a Bible, not the Koran. What has this country come to?

Ben Carson will not take back his comment in a recent interview that a Muslim should not be president, the Republican presidential candidate’s business manager said Monday morning. And Carson has nothing to clarify, he added.

In an interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” that aired Sunday, Carson told Chuck Todd that Islam is not consistent with the Constitution and that while he would consider voting for a Muslim member of Congress, the highest office in the land is off-limits to people practicing a faith professed by approximately 3 million Americans.

“He was thinking like someone who loves America first, who wants to protect America. He understands that there are tenets of Islam that hates Jews, that kills homosexuals, will kill Muslims, do not advocate belief and value systems that made America into the country that it is today,” business manager and conservative radio host Armstrong Williams told CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day.”

When Camerota mentioned that those views apply only to extremists, Williams said his candidate is “not trying to be politically correct.”

The gutless pant-load RINO Lindsey Graham wants Ben Carson to apologize for his comments that a Muslim should not be president of the Untied States. Hmm, and you wonder why Graham is at 2%? What Ben Carson said is that an individual who is of a religion that is in opposition against the US Constitution. A note to Lindsey Grahamnesty, you could not even win the primary in your own state of South Carolina … why are you even running for president? Unless it is to just get your face on TV.

Lindsey Graham: ‘Ben Carson Should Apologize To All Muslim Americans!’

Lindsey Graham should apologize to Republicans for being a RINO!!!

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