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May 09, 2015

Juan Williams Says Pam Geller “Engaged in Gratuitous Offensive Behavior That Led to the Deaths of Two People” (VIDEO)

Posted in: Civil Rights,Freedom - Liberty,Freedom of Speech,Freedom of Speech,Islam/Muslims,Islamist,Islamofascist,Jihad,Liberal Intolerance,Liberals,Progressives,Radical Islam,Sharia Law,Terrorism,War on Terror,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO


When free speech in the United States protects pornography, art that places a Crucifix of Jesus Chris in urine and the burning of the America flag, Mohammad is fair game as well. Sorry Juan William, you don’t get to say I am for free speech, but …

In the United States of America, there are no rules put on “free speech’ as afforded by the US Constitution unless you yell “fire” or “bomb”. But that is not the case anymore for liberals and the likes of Juan Williams. Listen to Williams below say that he is all for free speech and then tell us just the opposite and say that he is against it when it comes to the rights of Pam Gellar and the Draw the Prophet Mohammad cartoon contest. Williams says in the VIDEO below, “because she engaged in gratuitous offensive behavior that led to the deaths of two people”. Okay’ let’s stop here. Yes her actions did lead to the deaths of two people, they there two radical Islamist jihadists, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi. Both of these radical Muslims have been killed and we wont have to worry about them anymore. Pam Gellar should be given a medal for smoking these two out.

Then Williams goes on to say, Gellar wasn’t about writing a book like Salman Rushdie or she wasn’t about Charlie Hebdo engaging in satire, but instead she did this as a provocative act to offend people. REALLY, YOU FOOL? Juan, are you really this stupid? You would really make the distinction and defend drawing a cartoon because it was satire versus used to be provocative? Lets just come out and say and and not mince worse, Juan Williams is a typical liberal ass-hat who only likes free speech that he agrees with.Satire is meant to be proactive you idiot! To radical Islam, they make no differentiation. So when you are in-front of a black cloaked jihadist with a knife in his hand about to cut your head off, making the excuse that your cartoon was done for satire will make no difference. As for Salman Rushdie and Satanic Versus, he knew exactly what he was doing and poked the hornets nest. But because Pamela Gellar is a conservative, anything she does is hated by the LEFT and they will make excuses.

If you have ever wondered whether Juan Williams was just a liberal who was misguided and there was some hope for, think again. The law of the land is the United States Constitution, not Shariah law, at least for now.

Hey Juan, what about the freedom of speech for radical Imam Anjem Choudary saying that Pamela Geller should be put to death? Are you in favor of that being protected free speech as well?

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