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August 31, 2013

Kentucky Public School Teacher at McCracken County High School Encouraged Students to Step on American Flag As Part of Art Project

Posted in: Art,Education,High School,WTF

Are you friggin kidding me … Kentucky public school teacher encourages students step on the American flag and calls it art.

Art teacher Shand Stamper encouraged students to step on an American flag that had been placed on the floor as part of an art display, outraging parents and students. Really, it was  called  re-creation of “Dread” Scott Tyler’s 1989 installation titled “The Proper Way to Display an American Flag.” Sadly, I call it desecration of the flag! According to reports, as part of the art exhibit, students were encouraged to stand on the flag and write their reflections on how they felt standing on the flag. WTF!!! So let’s understand this, you can desecrate the American flag and call it art, but if a rodeo clown wears an Obama mask, they get fired, banned for life from the rodeo in Missouri and calls for hate crimes against you?


The display at McCracken County High School, was reportedly a re-creation of “Dread” Scott Tyler’s 1989 art display titled “The Proper Way to Display an American Flag,” according to Fox News Radio’s Todd Starnes.

Students were reportedly encouraged to stand on the flag and write reflections about how they felt standing on it, reported Starnes. According to WLEX-TV, the flag was stepped on and said visitors “had to step on the flag in order to participate in the project.”

The art teacher apologized, but I am sorry, how could anyone have such a lapse of judgement and not know any better. Sorry, not buying it. Let’s see the art teacher have the students step on Koran’s next and we shall see what happens. Oh that’s tight, he wants to keep his head.

Art teacher Shand Stamper has since apologized for the controversial art display – telling The Paducah Sun that it was not a specifically assigned project. The newspaper reported she sent a written letter of apology to school administrators.

“I love our flag and the nation it stands for. I love the freedom I enjoy because of our brave veterans. I feel sick and deeply sad that through my actions I have dishonored these men and women and also poorly represented you all,” she wrote in a letter obtained by the newspaper. “(To say) I am devastated by my actions bringing outrage and negativity on you is a gross understatement.”

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