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May 11, 2013

UNBELIEVABLE Obama Cronies Blaming George W. Bush for IRS Targeting Conservative Groups & Tea Party

Posted in: Abuse of Power,Barack Obama,Benghazi-Gate,Chicago-Style Politics,Conspiracy,Corruption,Crony Capitalism,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Ethics,Fast & Furious,Former Presidents,George W. Bush,Government,IRS,Obamanation,Partisan hack,Politics,Politics of Fear,Scandal,The Dodger in Chief,The Lying King,Transparency,WTF


Obama White House spokesman Jay Carney said, said in response to a question about the I.R.S. targeting conservative groups, that the I.R.S. is run by a George W. Bush political appointee. Huh? So let’s get this straight, the Obama is blaming George W. Bush for the IRS targeting conservative groups like the Tea Party under their watch? Seriously? When will this gutless administration ever take responsibility for anything? Remember when Barack Obama promised “We the People” the most transparent White House evah?

VIDEO at the Weekly Standard.

“I.R.S. is an independent enforcement agency,” said Carney. “The — which I believe, as I understand it, contains only two political appointees within it. The individual who is running the I.R.S. at the time was actually an appointee from the previous administration.”

The previous administration was George W. Bush’s administration.

WHAT A JOKE. Just how many scandals is it going to take for the American people to become completely disgusted with the Obama administration? We have had ‘Fast & Furious” the gun walking scandal that was responsible for the death of two US border guards, refusal to secure Bengazi consulate that resulted in four Americans were murdered including Ambassador Stevens, the cover-up of what happened in Benghazi, government loans to “green” energy companies who were campaign donors, the Obamacare lies and the government take over of health care,

The full list of Obama scandals can be read at Powerline and  HERE.

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