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April 29, 2013

Judge Jeanine Pirro Rips the Jihad Mom & Her Two Terrorist Boston Bomber Sons Tamerlan & Dzhohkar Tsarnaev …”Lady, You Shouldn’t Be Allowed Here”

Posted in: America - United States,Boston Marathon Bombing,Home Land Security,Jihad,Radical Islam,Terrorism,United States,US National Security,War on Terror,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO


If you ever needed to watch one VIDEO that had to deal with the two Boston terrorist bombers, Tamerlan & Dzhohkar Tsarnaev, it would be the one below from Judge Jeanine Pirro. It is a pure masterpiece that states exactly what most normal, common sense Americans are thinking and would love to say themselves. Pirro questions how Massachusetts Governor Duval Patrick is not revealing what type of public assistance this family got on the back of the US tax payers because he is protecting their privacy. As Judge Pirro says, “Privacy? WHAT PRIVACY!!! Governor, you take out money and give it to these dirt bag and you want to protect his privacy? You want to protect his rights? HE’S DEAD!!! HE’S A TERRORIST!!! HE HAS NO RIGHTS!!!”

Pirro goes on to say … then the Obama administration rushes in with breakneck speed a federal judge, stops the FBI in the middle of a high value interrogation to arraign your son and shower even more rights upon him. Dzhohkar Tsarnaev  was provided all the Rights of our constitution by Obama and AG Eric Holder … “WANT THE WORLD TO THINK BETTER OF US” … Really? THEY HATE US!!! THEY CHANT DEATH TO AMERICA … THEY COME HERE TO KILL US AND WE WORRY WHAT THEY THINK OF US.

So America, why does it seem like these terrorist, who the United States embraced as refugees from their homeland Russia, are provided more rights than common, decent, law abiding Americans? Oh yea, and more rights provided to individuals who hate us and want to kill us. Something is very, very wrong here.

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