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November 02, 2012

State Department Never Requested Military Backup the Night of the Terror Attack

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Benghazi-Gate,Byrd and Melanie Billings,Epic Fail,Hillary Clinton,Obamanation,Presidential Election,State Department,Terrorism,War on Terror,WTF

Ambassador Stevens, Tyrone Woods, and Glenn Doherty asked and waited for military back up … IT NEVER CAME!  So now we know know that the State Department screwed up by denying Ambassador Stevens extra security when he stated, “the consulate could not withstand a coordinated attack.” Now we learn Obama and the military failed to provide any help for those begging for assistance.

On the night of the 9/11 anniversary assault at the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, the Americans defending the compound and a nearby CIA annex were severely outmanned. Nonetheless, the State Department never requested military backup that evening, two senior U.S. officials familiar with the details of military planning tell The Daily Beast.


“The State Department is responsible for assessing security at its diplomatic installations and for requesting support from other government agencies if they need it,” a senior U.S. Defense official said. “There was no request from the Department of State to intervene militarily on the night of the attack.”

The president, however, would have the final say as to whether or not to send in the military. By 11 p.m. Benghazi time, 90 minutes after the assault began on the U.S. mission, Obama met with the National Security Council to discuss the attack. NSC spokesman Tommy Vietor said the president “ordered Secretary Panetta and Chairman Dempsey to begin moving assets into the region to prepare for a range of contingencies” at that meeting.

With such a clusterf*ck in Benghazi before during and after it is simply amazing that no one has resigned their post. One would think that some one would do the honorable thing or one would go forcibly. As Powerline states, at the very least, Hillary Clinton, Sec. of State must go.

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