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October 04, 2012

Buyer’s Remourse: AARP Lashes Out at President Barack Obama for Using it to Promote Himself During Debate (VIDEO)

Posted in: 2012 Elections,AARP,Barack Obama,Debates,Epic Fail,Healthcare,Lost in Smallness,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,Obamacare,Obamanation,Presidential Election

How bad was last night’s Presidential debate for President Barack Obama? Even the in the tank AARP is lashing out at Obama for using AARP by name to promote himself and Obamacare during the debate. AARP ripped President Barack Obama for using the organization’s name to support himself politically in defense of Obama. AARP, who are you kidding, Obama used his own grandmother by name in an attempt to grasp at anything to defend his failed policies and come up with some type of response.

Key phrase in Obama’s rambling, Romney worked with Democrats in the state of Massachusetts on healthcare. What did Obama do, made backroom deals with Democrat politicians, insurance carriers and AARP and rammed an unpopular Obamacare down the throats of America.

The AARP ripped President Barack Obama for using the organization’s name to support himself politically during Wednesday evening’s presidential debate.

“While we respect the rights of each campaign to make its case to voters, AARP has never consented to the use of its name by any candidate or political campaign,” AARP vice president John Hishta said in a statement immediately after the debate. “AARP is a nonpartisan organization, and we do not endorse political candidates nor coordinate with any candidate or political party.”

The president mentioned AARP to support his attack on Romney’s Medicare plan.

“And then, what you’ve got is folks like my grandmother at the mercy of the private insurance system precisely at the time when they are most in need of decent health care,” Obama said. “So, I don’t think vouchers are the right way to go. And this is not my own – only my opinion. AARP thinks that the – the savings that we obtained from Medicare bolster the system, lengthen the Medicare trust fund by eight years. Benefits were not affected at all. “

With all due respect to AARP, you sleep with dogs, you get fleas. AARP made their backroom deal with Obama and Obamacare and sold old millions of seniors that they claim to care about. AARP claims to be nonpartisan, hardly.

AARP endorsed Obamacare in what South Carolina Republican Sen. Jim DeMint called a move that “sells out seniors.” DeMint argued in a recent op-ed that AARP “poses as a disinterested senior advocate, [but] functions as an insurance conglomerate, with a liberal lobbying arm on the side.”

“AARP depends on profits, royalties and commissions to make up more than 50 percent of its annual revenues,” DeMint wrote. “Membership dues from seniors account for only about 20 percent. The sums involved aren’t chump change: AARP’s $458 million in health insurance revenue in 2011 would rank it as the nation’s sixth most profitable health insurer.”

Listen to Romney’s Response on Obamacare

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