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August 30, 2012

New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez RNC … “Obama Built that 5 Trillion Dollar National Debt”, and Counting

Posted in: 2012 Elections,American Exceptionalism,Barack Obama,Economy,Epic Fail,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Presidential Election,Susana Martinez (NM-R),You Did No Build it

Fantástico … A future superstar in the Republican Party, Say hello to Susana Martinez.

Susana Martinez, the Gov. of New Mexico did a phenomenal job last night at the Republican National Convention. Martinez, the first Hispanic, female governor elected to office in the United States wowed the crowd with her personal stories of being a security guard and owning a .357 magnum to her charming story of learning that she was a Republican.  Gov. Susana Martinez  went on to rip Obama during her speech for is false promises and epic failure that has been his presidency.

“Success is the American Dream. And that success is not something to be ashamed of, or to demonize.”

Full transcript can be read HERE.

Before I ran for District Attorney, two Republicans invited my husband and me to lunch.  And I knew a party-switch was exactly what they wanted.

So, I told Chuck, we’ll be polite, enjoy a free lunch and then say goodbye.

But we talked about issues-they never used the words Republican, or Democrat, conservative or liberal.

We talked about many issues, like welfare – is it a way of life, or a hand-up?

Talked about the size of government — how much should it tax families and small businesses?

And when we left that lunch, we got in the car and I looked over at Chuck and said, “I’ll be damned, we’re Republicans.”

The American Spectator discusses parts of Martinez’ speech.

If he can take credit for government building small businesses, then he can accept responsibility for breaking his promise and adding 5 trillion dollars to the national debt.

Because he did build that.

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