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November 10, 2006

Its Already Beginning … Democratic Post Election Comments … What Democratic Civility?

Posted in: Politics,WTF

In the spirit of Democratic bipartisanship and post election good will, we are presented with the following comment from one of the most senior, Democratic members of the House and the ranking member of the Ways and Means Committee … Elections have consequences and they do matter.

“Mississippi gets more than their fair share back in federal money, but who the hell wants to live in Mississippi?” (Charlie Rangel D-NY)

Nice. Get used to it folks. Just how long does anyone think the Nancy Pelosi/Harry Reid “DC love-fest” will continue of bipartisan BS? The elections are over and Democrat’s true feelings do not need to be held back anymore, especially from the more liberal ones. The liberal wing of the Democratic party kept their mouths shut during the lead up to the election, bar one, John Kerry. They did so that the people would vote for the more conservative candidates they ran out their against Republicans. Now comes reality of what will be the next two years. Read the following, insulting lie of a response from Rangel’s office.

Rep. Chip Pickering, R-Miss., issued a news release criticizing Rangel’s words.

“I hope his remarks are not the kind of insults, slander, and defamation that Mississippians will come to expect from the Democrat leadership in Washington, D.C.,” Pickering said.

Elbert Garcia, Rangel’s press secretary in New York, said Rangel had received calls Thursday about the Mississippi quote.

Garcia e-mailed The Associated Press a response from Rangel: “I certainly don’t mean to offend anyone, I just love New York so much that I can’t understand why everyone wouldn’t want to live here.” (Sun Herald)

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