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August 21, 2011

Is Kadaffi’s End Near in Libyia? Rebels Say They Have Captured Qaddafi’s Son

Posted in: Arrest,Libya,Muammar Gaddafi,NATO,World

It would appear that Moammar Qaddafi’s days are numbered in Libya. Libyan rebels are saying that they have captured  Qaddafi’s son in Tripoli and arrested him. Fox News is reporting that Libyan rebels are within two miles of the center of  Tripoli. The recent battles to take Tripoli have killed up to 1300.

SKY NEWS special correspondent Alex Crawford

Mohamad al Akari, a Transitional National Council advisor, said that if Moammar Gadhafi is still in Tripoli, they believe he is in Bab al Aziziya.

“Tonight it’s over,” Akari said.

Libyan rebel forces are now in Green Square in the heart of Tripoli, according to multiple reports.

Earlier today, rebel forces pushed into the western outskirts of the Libyan capital without meeting any resistance. The rebels reached Janzour, a Tripoli suburb, around nightfall today and were greeted by civilians waving rebel flags.

The BBC is reporting that Moammar Gadhafi has fled to Algeria, although not yet confirmed. More from the BBC on the rebels moving into Tripoli.

Good riddance to bad rubbish, although let’s hope the end game and transition of power is not a complete mess in a post Qaddafi world. As Qaddafi’s regime crumbles this looks like it could really get out of control. I hardly think its safe for journalists to be there right now.

UPDATE I: Live blogging updates at Aljazeera.

UPDATE II: More at Sky News.

The claims come as rebels make rapid advances into the centre of Tripoli, meeting scenes of jubilation and no resistance from Gaddafi’s troops along the way.

Sky’s special correspondent Alex Crawford, accompanying the rebels, said as opposition fighters entered the city, their cars gridlocked the roads and hundreds of people came out onto the streets to greet them.

The rebels responded with celebratory gunfire, she said.

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