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April 19, 2011

The Obama’s Tax Return: Earned $1.7M in income and Paid $454K in Federal Taxes

Posted in: Barack Obama,Hypocrisy,Obamanation,Tax & Spend Liberals,Taxes

Just curious, if Barack Obama is about to head out and lecture Americans on paying more taxes … why doesn’t he start with himself first? Isn’t it a rather hollow argument to make others pay more when the one delivering the message does not even heed his own words?

Hmm … In 2010 President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama earned $1.7 million in 2010 and paid $454,000 in federal taxes. Doesn’t that only come out to be about 27% tax? Isn’t this the President that says that those more well off should be paying more taxes? In fact, Obama says that it is the rich’s patriotic duty to pay more.

Then how come Barack Obama is only pay at a rate of 27%? Wouldn’t it have been a sign of good faith if Barack and Michelle Obama did not take all the provisions in the tax code that reduced their taxable income? The Obama’s make $1.7 million and want to treat people, small business owners who only make $250K, the same as themselves. Seems like the Obama’s accountants have found several loopholes to reduce their tax exposure. Nice hypocrisy, when Obama is about to head out and lecture Americans to pay more taxes. It would appear that our buddies at the Pirate Cove have the same questions, why didn’t Obama lead by example. This President lead … NEVER!

See the Obama’s tax returns HERE.

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