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January 29, 2011

TNT Network Apologizes for Tracy Morgan’s Comment About Sarah Palin

Posted in: Bizarre,Media,Media Bias,NBA,PDS,Sarah Palin,Sports,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO

TNT should be ashamed for even bringing up the topic … like they didn’t think the answer would digress to vile piggery. Isn’t it something that the age old question of “Ginger or Mary Anne” would in 2011 digress to the gutter of a “masturbation” comment. We’ve come a long way baby, not.

The TNT network has apologized for the cruse and disgusting comments made by 30 Rock and SNL cast member, Tracy Morgan. The uncalled for comment was made during TNT’s “Inside the NBA” pregame show between the the Miami Heat and the NY Knicks. Tracy Morgan was asked by co-hosts Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley, ” “[Morgan's] the only one who can settle it. Tina Fey or Sarah Palin?”  Morgan’s lack of judgement response was the following … “Yo, let me tell you something about Sarah Palin. She’s good masturbation material.”

The statement from TNT was as follows:

“It’s unfortunate Mr. Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments. We apologize for any embarrassment or offense it may have caused.”

Yet another example of why not to give a live microphone to some one with no jusgement 


During yesterday’s live broadcast, co-hosts Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley handed 30 Rock‘s Morgan a microphone and asked him to settle a bet: Tina Fey or Sarah Palin? “Me and him have this argument all the time, ” crowed Smith, referring to Barkley. “[Morgan's] the only one who can settle it. Tina Fey or Sarah Palin?” They were clearly not asking which woman was smarter or faster in a race.

Just curious TNT, you are a sports network doing a pre-game show in Madison Square Garden with a much hyped game between the Heat and the Knicks and you felt the need to delve into raunch? Lebron and Wade against the surprising Knicks who have suddenly found game this year and this is the direction you took the conversation? Shameful. It’s rather a lame apology when you had to have known that the direction of one of your hosts asking  Sarah Palin or  Tina Fey would lead into the gutter. In many respects I have to Agree with Anne Althouse, Tracy Morqagn did exactly what one would expect of him. It is your two co-hosts and your director that should be apologizing for taking the TNT pregame show into the gutter. Shameful indeed.

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