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June 28, 2005

Aruba wil hulp van Nederland/Aruba Wants Aid of the Netherlands

Posted in: Natalee Holloway

From Netherlands Dagblad

Aruba wil hulp van Nederland


WILLEMSTAD – De Arubaanse minister van Justitie Croes wil dat de Nederlandse regering het eiland verdedigt bij de Amerikaanse autoriteiten.

Ook wil Croes dat Den Haag officieel steun betuigt aan Aruba, omdat er volgens hem sytematisch spookverhalen verschijnen in de Amerikaanse media over de verdwijning van de Amerikaanse scholiere Natalee Holloway. Croes zei dat maandag na afloop van een overleg op CuraËcao met de ministers Donner (Justitie) en Pechtold (Koninkrijksrelaties) en de Antilliaanse justitieminister Dick.

In Summary the article states the following:

This morning dutch newswire reported that Aruban justice minister Rudy Croes complained to his dutch counterpart Piet Hein Donner about the attitude of the American press in this case. ‘The reputation of the island is damaged by false reports about crime and general American mistrust of the Aruban justice system’, Croes said. ‘Aruba is a part of the Netherlands and so the reputation of the Netherlands as a whole is damaged by these press reports’.

Donner promised to relay the message to the Dutch embassy in the United States. But he’s convinced that the American government is well aware of the fact that everything is being done that needs to be done.

Hat Tip: Gerben 2

Also checking in today is Aruba Girl with similar comments heard on Canal 90:

According to Canal 90, Rudy Croes (minister of Justice) asked his Dutch colleague, Alexander Pechtold for help, because Rudy Croes thinks that the Dutch government has to show some sign of support, because the American media is systematically destroying Aruba’s justice system, which is also the Dutch system.

Another Dutch minister, Donner said that he would help in any way he could.


If you have not seen them yet or would like to again, here are some links to some interesting interviews courtesy of the Political Teen from yesterday and last night.

Tim Miller Speaks of the Quarry

Greta Demands Information

UPDATE II: Full Translation of article

Aruba wants help from The Netherlands

WILLEMSTAD – The Aruban Justice minister Croes wants the Dutch government to defend the reputation of the Island by the American authorities.

Croes wants also the official support from The Hague because, according to him ,the American press makes up ghost stories about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Croes said that Monday after a meeting with minister Donner (Justice) and Pechtold (Kingdom relations) and the Antillean justice minister Dick.

The minister is afraid for the consequences the negative press reports can have for the influx of American tourists. Some American networks present Aruba as an Island full of crime where gambling, drinking and drugs dealing is common. Also the police investigation and the JD has come under criticism. ”The believability of our justice system has come under fire” Croes told, ”we have the same system everywhere in the kingdom so the credibility of The Netherlands is dragged trough the mud”.

In Aruba 45.000 people are dependent on tourism. ”we cannot sit and watch the slandering of our name. We want The Netherlands to give us support”. Minister Donner agrees with his colleague. In a reaction he said the give matter attention with the foreign department. ”we must see how to prevent major damage to the island Aruba. Maybe we can trough our embassy in the United States correct the view of the press”.

That the American authorities criticized the Aruban government denies Donner. ” I am convinced that the American government is well aware of the fact that everything is being done that needs to be done”. The American press is already on the island for weeks covering the disappearance of Holloway.

Thank you, Gerben aka Pays Bas

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