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December 23, 2009

A Very Barry Christmas … Obama Mt Rushmore Christmas Ornament & Moa Tse Tung

Posted in: Barack Obama,Holidays,WTF

So do you have ornaments of transvestites, Moa Tse Tung and Barack Obama on your Christmas tree? Guess who does … that is correct Barack Hussein Obama.

Because nothing says Christmas like a mass murderer like  Moa Tse Tung.

What is wrong with this President? Maybe they will listen to some old Midnight Masses Christmas Eve of the Reverend Wright with a Merry God D#@n AmeriKKKa. Is there anything that this President does not do to try and upset Americans?


Check this out, Obama on Mt Rushmore Christmas ornament … WTF!

Go to Big Government.com and see the rest of the ornaments, Good Grief Charlie Brown.

Hat Tip: Hot Air … Oh, once again the Obama’s were unaware.  Do these people pay attention to anything other than their own ego?

Why let a holiday season come between the White House and making some political statements? The White House pegged controversial designer Simon Doonan to oversee the Christmas decorations for the White House. Mr. Doonan, who is creative director of Barney’s New York has often caused a stir with his design choices. Like his naughty yuletide window display of Margaret Thatcher as a dowdy dominatrix and Dan Quayle as a ventriloquist’s dummy. For this year’s White House, he didn’t disappoint.

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