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March 12, 2018

Elizabeth “Fauxchontas” Warren Refuses DNA Test to Prove Native American Heritage

Posted in: Democrats,Liberals,Progressives,You Tube - VIDEO,Youth Vote


Sen. Elizabeth Warren resfuses to take a DNA test that would prove once and for all that she either has or does not have Native American Heritage. Fauxchontas was presses on her ancestry. She of course avoided it like the plague. Warren continues on her story of because of what she has been told, rather than what she actually might really be. Imagine that … good luck running for president and not divulging who you are.

FYI … just because of tall story and mis-truth has been spread down through the years, does not make it a fact just because it is the only thing you have been told. You can’t make up your own set of facts, unless of course you are a liberal Democrat. See Hillary Clinton being named for Sir Edmund Hillary.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren batted down calls for her to take a DNA test to prove her Native American heritage in an interview that aired Sunday.

“I know who I am. And never used it for anything. Never got any benefit from it anywhere,” Warren said of her ancestry on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

The Massachusetts Democrat has been under increased pressure to provide evidence of ?her ?Native American roots, with President Trump repeatedly mocking her as “Pocahontas” as recently as Saturday.

An editorial this month in Massachusetts’s Berkshire Eagle urged Warren to buy a DNA test for $99 to resolve the issue once and for all.

“All the senator needs to do is spit into a tube, wait a few weeks and get her answer,” the paper said.

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