Rudy Giuliani Brings Down the House at Republican National Convention … “What Happened to there is no Black America, there is no White America, there is just one America?” (VIDEO)
Posted in: Republican,RNC,Rudy Giuliani
AMAZING … Last night Rudy brought down the house at the RNC and showed the sharp contrast between an out of control, lack of respect for authority and police and an unsafe America and world we live in now under Barack Obama and the vision of what it would and will be like in a Donald Trump presidency. Rudy stated, “The vast majority of Americans today do not feel safe. They fear for their children, they fear for their themselves, they fear for out police officers. Who are being targeted with a target on their back. We pray for our police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge and their families.” Showing the difference between the Democrat/Obama/Hillary Clinton Black Lives Matter disrespectful crowd, Rudy then said,”We know the risk that you are taking and we say thank you … We say thank you to every police officer and law enforcement agent who is out tonight protecting us, black, white, Latino, of every race, of every color, of every creed, every sexual orientation … “When they come to save your life, they don’t ask if you’re black or white. They just come to save you.”
“When they come to save your life, they don’t ask if you’re black or white,” he said. “They just come to save you.”
Giuliani loudly told the crowd that it is time to “make American one again.”
“What happened to there is no black America, there is no white America, there is just one America?” he asked. “What happened to it?”
A vote for Hillary Clinton equals 4 more years of Obama. Is that what you want America?
Then at the 2:25 mark Rudy rammed Barack Obama’s words down his throat. Rudy stated, ”What happened to there is no black America, there is no white America, there is just one America? Where did it go?” Simply amazing. Rudy played on the 2004 Obama speech where Barack Obama used those very words. However, after nearly 8 years of Obama as president he has divided America into two Americans … black vs. white, rich vs. poor, left and right, privileged vs. unprivileged. Obama was that very person who was the person who would divide us. What a liar Obama turned out to be in the end. Barack Obama has been the most divisive president in modern times. But what would you expect from a community agitator.
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