Donald Trump Says Barack Obama is ‘Protecting’ Clinton from ‘Going to Jail’ Over Private Email Server
Posted in: Barack Obama,Chicago-Style Politics,Community Agitator,Crime,Divider in Chief,Donald Trump,Donald Trump,Email-Gate,Epic Fail,Hillary Clinton,Misleader,Politics of Fear,Presidential Contenders,Scandal,You Got Email-gate
Donald Trump says that Hillary Clinton is being a good little Obama foot soldier not going against him because “He’s [Obama] protecting her from going to jail, so she’s not going to use it. Trump is referring to the fact that Obama holds in his hands whether Hillary Clinton will have charges brought against her in the private email server crime she committed. We all know she is guilty as sin of committing a crime against the United States, but this is politics where the political ruling class get to play by a different set of rules.
Hillary Clinton uses the term “radical jihadism” rather than “radical Islamic terrorism” because she is “probably afraid” of President Barack Obama, Donald Trump said Monday.
“He’s the boss, OK? And she’s probably afraid of him because, obviously, you know, she probably thinks that he has a profound effect over her life,” Trump said during a telephone interview on CNN’s “New Day” a day after the terrorist attack at an Orlando, Florida, gay nightclub killed 49 and injured at least 53.
Alluding to the ongoing FBI investigation into the private server Clinton used for official business at the State Department, Trump remarked that Clinton’s decision to call it by that name as a calculated move.
“He’s protecting her from going to jail, so she’s not going to use it,” Trump said. “But I bet you that … she would love to use to those words, because almost everybody agrees that those words should be used.”
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