Kerry, What Happened to your Allowance
For all you Kerry contributors for the 2004 elections; here is your hard earned money at work trying to elect your candidate.
Sen. John F. Kerry tapped campaign funds for Red Sox tickets and to pay nearly $300 in overdue Boston parking tickets in March, records show.
Kerry’s Senate campaign committee wrote a $287 check to the City of Boston Parking Clerk on March 31, 2005. The Bay State senator listed “travel expense” as the purpose for the expenditure.
Kerry, meanwhile, used presidential campaign funds for a $3,150 tab for Boston Red Sox tickets in July when he threw out the first pitch at Fenway Park before the Democratic National Convention.
All these expenses and he still had money left over that he did not share with other Democratic candidates. What’s the matter didn’t Teresa give you your allowance that week? A man surrounded by all that money and I guess none of it really is his or at his disposal. No wonder Kerry had to put up with all of her antics during the campaign, he needed milk money.
I am going to have to agree with Wizbang 100%. Please run for President again Senator Kerry, please. It represents an endless supply of material. Although Kerry makes it too easy sometimes.
Recent post: Kerry Running in 2008; Run Kerry, RUN.
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