One in Four Americans Were Unaware that Earth Circles Sun … The Dumbing Down of America
Posted in: Child Welfare,Common Core curriculum,Crime,Education,Liberal Indoctrination,Obamanation,Polls,United States,WTF
And you wonder how Barack Obama got elected and then reelected? Look no farther than the survey below.
The survey conducted by the National Science Foundation revealed that one in four Americans polled were unaware that the Earth circled the Sun. Just 74% knew that the Earth revolved around the Sun. I guess it is a good thing that it was not asked on the questionnaire whether the moon was made out of cream cheese. Why would thins shock anybody in today’s dumbed down, indoctrination public school education. The result of the survey will be included in a National Science Foundation report to President Barack Obama and US lawmakers. This will be great news to Obama and Democrats, how else can one explain why they have won elections while destroying America? Those that got the answer wrong probably think the Sun revolves around Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton or themselves.
It’s not just science that individuals have an issue with, remember how poorly folks did on the civics literacy exam? It should be considered a crime in how children are being educated. But I am sure Common Core is going to fix everything.
Americans are enthusiastic about the promise of science but lack basic knowledge of it, with one in four unaware that the Earth revolves around the Sun, said a poll out Friday.
The survey included more than 2,200 people in the United States and was conducted by the National Science Foundation.
Nine questions about physical and biological science were on the quiz, and the average score — 6.5 correct — was barely a passing grade.
Just 74 percent of respondents knew that the Earth revolved around the Sun, according to the results released at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago.
What are the odds that 100% of the clueless 26% who had no idea that the Earth circled the Sun voted for Barack Obama? Because an ignorant and apathetic people are easily ruled.
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