Mitt Romney Says “Fundamental Dishonesty” Over Obamcare Is ‘Rotting it Away” and “Put in Peril” Obama’s Second Term (VIDEO)
Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Campaigner in Chief,Chicago-Style Politics,Conspiracy,Cover-Up,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Government,Gutter Politics,Healthcare,Hope and Change,Misleader,Misrepresentation,Mitt Romney,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,NBC,Obamacare,Obamanation,Presidential Election,The Lying King,You Can Keep Your Insurance,You Tube - VIDEO
Barack Obama, ‘The Lying King’: Oh what tangled webs we weave, when we practice to deceive …
Former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Sunday on NBC’s ‘Meet the Press’ that President Barack Obama’s “fundamental dishonesty” over his signature health care program, Obamacare, has “put in peril the whole foundation of his second term.” Romney went on to say that Barack Obama intentionally mislead the American people on the core elements of Obamacare. Romney went on to say that time again that fundamental to his plan was the right people would have to keep their insurance plan, and he knew that was not the case.
“Perhaps the most important lesson the president, I think, failed to learn was, you have to tell the American people the truth. When he told the American people that you could keep your health insurance if you wanted to keep that plan, period (VIDEO), he said that time and again, he wasn’t telling the truth. I think that fundamental dishonesty has really put in peril the whole foundation of his second term.”
“… but the key, I think, that has really undermined the president’s credibility in the hearts of the American people is that he went out as a centerpiece of his campaign and as a centerpiece of Obamacare over the last several years saying time and time again that fundamental to his plan was the right people would have to keep their insurance plan, and he knew that was not the case. He could know it by looking at Massachusetts and seeing people there lost insurance. He could have learned those lessons and told the people the truth, but he didn’t. he told people they could keep their plan. and, you know, it was NBC News that said, look, some 6 million people are going to lose their insurance. that’s not some little number, that’s 6 million American people.”
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Last year’s losing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said Sunday that President Barack Obama’s “fundamental dishonesty” on the Affordable Care Act has “put in peril the whole foundation of his second term.”
Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, Romney said Obama’s handling of Obamacare’s promises “has undermined the foundation of his second term – I think it is rotting it away.”
He added that what “has really undermined the president’s credibility in the hearts of the American people is that he went out, as a centerpiece of his campaign and as a centerpiece of Obamacare over the last several years, saying time and time again that fundamental to his plan was the right people would have to keep their insurance plan, and he knew that was not the case….”
He said “had the president been truthful and told the American people that millions would lose their insurance and millions more would see their premiums skyrocket… there would have been such a hue and cry against it, (that) it would not have passed.”
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