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May 09, 2008

Hey Al Gore … More Global warming … Coolest April in 11 Years

Posted in: Al Gore,Global Warming,Natural Disaster,weather

Hey Al Gore … far be it from some climate facts getting in the way of your Global_coolingglobal warming agenda. As reported by NOAA, that right wing organization, April 2008 was the coolest on record in 11 years. Could it possibly be that this is just nature acting in a cyclical manner? Do you really think that man is any match to the power of nature?

The average temperature in April 2008 was 51.0 F. This was -1.0 F cooler than the 1901-2000 (20th century) average, the 29th coolest April in 114 years. The temperature trend for the period of record (1895 to present) is 0.1 degrees Fahrenheit per decade.

April also ranked the 29th coldest since record keeping began 114 years ago

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