White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Defended Obama for Using “Gun to the Head” Rhetoric During Government Shutdown Debate
Posted in: Barack Obama,Chicago-Style Politics,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Double Standard,Epic Fail,Government,Gutter Politics,Leading from Behind,Liberals,Media,Misleader,Misrepresentation,Obamanation,Politics of Fear,Progressives,Republican,The Lying King,WTF
Isn’t it President Barack Obama and Democrats who are the one’s that are so anti-guns and want gun control?
Just two weeks after the Navy Shipyard shooting, Fox News reporter Ed Henry questioned the wisdom of the Barack Obama remark using “gun to the head” rhetoric VIDEO) throughout the shutdown debate. Of course Obama’s mouth piece, Jay Carney, defended this bosses comment by saying that the GOP and the media have done the same. Really? So welcome to an America where the President is not held to a higher standard and supposed to show leadership. Isn’t it amazing that Obama, who is for gun control and has called for the weakening of the Second Amendment feels free to make such hateful and divisive comments.
Wasn’t it Obama who called for civility following the Tucson, AZ shootings? Yup, no double standard here.
Hours before shots were fired outside the Capitol, Jay Carney defended Obama for using “gun to the head” rhetoric throughout the shutdown debate — and pointed out that Ed Henry has used a similar metaphor.
At Thursday’s White House press briefing, Fox News reporter Ed Henry asked Press Secretary Jay Carney if President Obama’s remarks about Republicans “holding a gun to the head of the American people” by threatening a government shutdown were wise given September’s mass shooting at the Naval Yard in Washington, D.C.
But it was not the first time Barack Obama made this same irresponsible comment. Flashback … Obama held the final press conference of his first term by demanding that House Republicans raise the $16.4 trillion debt ceiling. Republicans, alleged the president, were “holding a gun at the head of the American people” by demanding Democrats cut deficit spending.
And it gets better, or worse as the case may be. The Lonely Conservative reports that Barack Obama and Harry Reid are holding seniors hostage. As LC says, who is trying to throw granny over the cliff?
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