Obama Administration Reverses Decision, Obama Allows Morning-after Plan B Contraception pills To Be Purchased by Girls of any Age
Posted in: child abuse,Child Endangerment,Child Welfare,Contraception,endangering the welfare of a child,Healthcare,Nanny State - Big Government,Sexual Assault,WTF
Obama administration reverses position and now allows individuals of any age, yes no age limitation, to purchase Morning-after Plan B contraception pills with no prescription. Obama’s Justice Department has decided to drop their appeal . WTF!!! So let’s get this correct, I have to supply ID and a driver’s license when purchasing Sudafed and children need a parents note to take aspirin and Tylenol in school, but some how individuals of any age with no prescription can now buy the Morning after Plan B contraception pill. Seriously, what happened to the country I grew up in? What a sick, sick world we live in where it is easier to get birth control for a 10 year old girl without any doctor’s prescription or parental consent, but we arrest and suspend 10 year old boys who bring a plastic toy gun to school. All in the name of radical feminists for women’s “health and equity.” No, you just made it easier for little girls to be abused and forced into sexual situations. Who finds it comical that you can get birth control with no age limit, but need to be 21 to legally drink alcohol?
How typical of Obama, on one hand he claims he is against it, and then on the other he has his Justice Department stop the appeal that would prevent 10 year old girls from having free access to birth control. What a joke, I guess Obama will say he just learned about this too, when the media reported it Monday.
The Obama administration will stop trying to limit sales of emergency contraception pills, making the morning-after pill available to women of all ages without a prescription.
The US justice department said in a letter on Monday that it planned to comply with a court’s ruling to allow unrestricted sales of Plan B One-Step and that it would withdraw its appeal on the matter.
The move is the latest in a lengthy legal fight over the morning-after pill, which was until recently only available without a prescription to women 17 and older who presented proof of age at a pharmacist’s counter.
Plaintiffs in a federal lawsuit against the FDA said the limit unfairly kept women and girls from accessing the drug, which is most effective when taken within 72 hours of intercourse.
From The Hill: Obama administration will approve ‘Plan B’ pill for women and girls of all ages.
Obama had previously said he was uncomfortable with removing all age restrictions on the sale of the so-called “morning after pill.” He said over a year ago that “as the father of two daughters,” he supported his Health secretary’s decision to block over-the-counter sales for younger teens. But a federal judge excoriated the administration’s defense of age limits on the pill, calling it a nakedly political decision divorced from science.
The administration’s sudden reversal came after the Food and Drug Administration had sought to block the judge’s order requiring it to make Plan B available without a prescription to women and girls of all ages.
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