Now Kids are Banned from Sledding at Raynham Middle School in MA … When will the Nanny State Ever Stop?
Posted in: Crime,Nanny State - Big Government
Sledding outlawed at Raynham Middle School in Massachusetts. Are you serious? You call that a dangerous hill? That thing is nothing compared to the hills that I sledded on when I was a child. Oh my, a child might get hurt. Wow, like that was not a right of passage as a youngster back in the day. Obviously today’s “nanny” state would not appreciate our tree luge slalom racing through the woods similar to this except going down a much steeper mountain, nor the jumps we used to add to the hills. We would have been considered hardened criminals.
Raynham school officials are trying to stop daredevils from sledding down a dangerous hill.
“There’s nowhere else as good as this. This is the biggest hill,” explained a teenager who showed us the scrapes on his chin from a fall.
The trails on the hill behind Raynham Middle School lead right to a parking lot at the bottom. “It proceeds directly into an area where there are vehicles,” said school committee member Gordon Luciano.
“We’ve had incidents where sleds are crashing into vehicles…numerous accidents, ambulance calls.”
School officials even sent an email notifying residents that sledding has been banned in the popular spot. That didn’t stop a crowd from gathering there during a snow day Thursday.
Go figure, emails didn’t stop kids from sledding after a foot of snow fell. SHOCKER!!! So what will schools ban next, dodge ball? Oh that’s right, they already did. How about sticking one’s tongue to a cold flag pole?
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