Barack Obama Refuses to Listen to Former OMB Director Orszag … Obama will Not Extend All Bush Tax Cuts
Posted in: 2010 Elections,Barack Obama,Economy,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Polls,Tax & Spend Liberals,Taxes,Unemployment,We the People,WTF
Less than 60 days from the midterm elections and Obama remains rigid in his economic policies and has caused turmoil among Democrats.
Remember when the LEFT used to say that former President George W. Bush was rigid and unyielding in his ways with regards to the war in Iraq? So what do they say about Barack Hussein Obama who has no clue how to fix the economy and has no intentions of extending all the Bush tax cuts, even though his own former OMB Director Orszag says its the thing to do.
Assuring everyone that they’re unwilling to listen to economic reason, even from the man employed as their budget director a month ago, the White House spokespeople were sent forth this morning to refute the former OMB director’s inaugural New York Times column.
In the column, Orszag called for a two-year extension of the Bush tax cuts, at which point they would end, completely. The message is at odds with the White House’s contention that Congress should raise taxes on higher income brackets, extending only cuts for the middle class. Orszag echoes conservative concerns about Obama’s preference, saying a hike could make an “already stagnating jobs market worse over the next year or two.”
There is a reason why Obama has a 39% approval rating on his handling of the economy, he has earned it.
What does Barack Hussein Obama say about the Bush tax cuts, he is against any compromise. In the wake of a terrible economy, Barack Obama is going to raise taxes on the evil, job creating rich.
Mr. Obama’s opposition to allowing the high-end tax cuts to remain in place for even another year or two would be the signal many Congressional Democrats have been awaiting as they prepare for a showdown with Republicans on the issue and ends speculation that the White House might be open to an extension. Democrats say only the president can rally wavering lawmakers who, amid the party’s weakened poll numbers, feel increasingly vulnerable to Republican attacks if they let the top rates lapse at the end of this year as scheduled.
Remember when this President said he would act as a moderate and reach across the aisle? Remember when Obama said, we are not “red” states, we are not “blue” states, we are a United States? If all that is true, why is this President for nothing more than CLASS WARFARE?
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