Gallup Poll: Americans Give Republicans Advantage Over Democrats on Economy, Immigration, Terrorism and Federal Spending
Posted in: 2010 Elections,Afghanistan,Barack Obama,Corruption,Economy,Ethics,Gallup,Government,Healthcare,Illegal Immigration,Iraq,Jobs,Obamacare,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Polls,Rasmussen,Unemployment,War on Terror
The Democrats have fallen and they can’t get up.
Less than two months before the 2010 midterm elections and according to a Gallup poll, American voters give Republicans the advantage over Democrats on the number one issue of the day, the economy. Americans rated the economy as the the most extremely important issue at 62% and 31% very important while 60% rated jobs extremely important and 32% rated very important. Both of the top two issues the voters rated Republicans over Democrats. With continued failed jobs reports and the Obama Summer of non-Recovery, matters will only get worse for Democrats.
A new USA Today/Gallup poll finds Americans saying the Republicans in Congress would do a better job than the Democrats in Congress of handling seven of nine key election issues. The parties are essentially tied on healthcare, with the environment being the lone Democratic strength.
The last Rasmussen poll showed that Republicans were trusted over Democrats on all of the top 10 issues of the day.
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