American People Have Learned that Barack Obama was not the Hope & Change they Asked For … Approval Ratings Still Going Down!
Posted in: 2010 Elections,2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Economy,House Elections,Obamacare,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Politics,Polls,Senate Elections,Socialism,Unemployment,WTF
American … How is that hope and change treating you today?
How is that transparency doing in those Democrat closed door health care meetings? 2012 is right around the corner and Obama’s Hope and Change has turned into Americans hoping that there will be a change in the White House in 2012.
It is almost the one year mark since Barack Hussein Obama was sworn in as President of the United States. Americans voted in the first black President under the political catch phrase of “Hope & Change”.
Looking back on it and where Americans are today, the next to we have an election, the American voter may want to ask for a bit more that just a catch phrase and false promises.
What is striking is that this President and his Administration takes such a “let them eat cake” attitude when it comes to dealing with crisis when they have other previous engagements. Let me just be the first to say that the only saving grace to the horrible earthquake in Haiti and the hundreds of thousands that were affected, hurt and possible killed … is that Barack Hussein Obama was not on vacation in Hawaii when it occurred. Could you imagine the 7.0 magnitude earthquake taking place and Obama waiting 3 or 4 days to address the issue while he instead plays golf! That is what occurred with the underwear Christmas day bomber when he nor his administration could tear them selves away from their vacations.
Vanderbilt – 2010
Obama is good at finding time for basketball,
theater dates, tennis, golf, dinner parties, gym,
travel, Hawaiian vacations, surfing, comedy shows,
TV speeches/campaigning, teleprompter readings,
Oprah, wasting money, raising taxes, opposing
public wishes, imposing control, increasing debt
levels, bowing to the world while apologizing for
America’s greatness, and failing at practically
everything he’s attempted. He is not good at
being honest and open with We the People.
Barack Obama was voted in to office and had the backing of so many people, Democrats, Independents and yes, some Republicans as well. In less than one year Obama finds himself with dismal poll approval ratings across the board.
It is not just the Rasmussen Report that shows Barack Obama is under the 50% mark in his approval rating. A recent Quinnipiac University poll shows that American voters are split 45% – 45% on whether Barack Obama’s first year in office is a success or failure. A CBS News poll had Obama at a 46% approval rating.
American voters are split 45 – 45 percent on whether Barack Obama’s first year in office is a success or failure and split 35 – 37 percent on whether the U.S. would be better off if John McCain had won the 2008 election, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll released today. As he marks the first anniversary of his inauguration, President Obama’s approval has slipped slightly into an even 45 – 45 percent split for the first time.
At, they states that Americans split on Obama first year. Obama has new lows in polls on how he is handling health care and economy.
Obama’s policies and efforts in his first year have already cost Democrats mightily in Virginia and New Jersey. Obamacare has almost single handedly allowed Republican Scott Brown to contend in Massachusetts in a state where Dems out number Republicans three to one. In one year Obama will have nearly destroyed the Democrat party with his liberal and inept agenda. If the Mass Senate seat goes … it is not Haiti that needs to fear a tsunami.
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