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November 10, 2009

A Real American Commander & Chief Ronald Reagan Once Said … Tear Down This Wall … A Lesser One in Obama Only Talks about Himself Via Video … Too Busy to Attend

Posted in: Barack Obama,Obamanation,Politics,Socialism,World,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO

Make no mistake what a real Commander & Chief looks like.

A United States President, a Commander and Chief leads by example and changes the face of human history and the future for generations for years to come. A real United States President has the conviction to do what is right and with four little words … TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!


Yesterday was the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Unbelievably there was one international leader that was conspicuous by his absence. That is correct, The One, The Obamamessiah, United States President Barack Obama was a no show to such a historic event that changed the face of history and the fall of communism. Alas, Obama was too busy to attend; however, not to busy to attend the Nobel Peace Prize award ceremony where he gets an individual honor. Obama, your act is getting old.

Obama’s folks say he’s too busy to accept German President Angela Merkel’s invitation to attend today’s festivities

It’s pathetic that Obama won’t be there — and telling, as well.

It would appear that Obama was too busy trying to make the United States communist with government run, socialized healthcare. Once again, Obama treating out allies with a lack of respect.

The Russian President managed to make it to the historic anniversary; however, Barack Obama only managed to send a YouTube video of himself and as the Gateway Pundit says, on the day of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Obama spoke about himself. UNREAL!!!

Obama_video_Berlin Wall

When will this arrogant man learn it is not about him? The Narcissist and Chief was at it again, singing his own praises at the anniversary of a historic event that makes this insignificant little man pale in comparison.

No One Could Have Forseen on That Day That German Ally America Would Be Led By Man of African Descent

Watch the VIDEO here. How amazing is it that Obama never mentioned President Reagan or Margaret Thatcher?

The comment if the day that best describes Obama’s actions of snubbing the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall comes from Michelle Malkin. She stated that of course Obama did not go, there was nothing in it for his Chicago cronies. Better than that … David Hasselhoff attended the ceremony.

Also: There’s nothing for America to apologize for there today.

Guess which U.S. celebrity is in Germany to mark the anniversary? David Haselhoff.

When David Haselhoff is doing a better job of representing America than its own commander-in-chief, you know you are in trouble.

Speigel: Obama Cancels Plans to Attend Berlin Wall Anniversary

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