Students at the University of Colorado – Boulder Sign “Thank You” Card to IRS for Targeting Conservative and Tea Party Groups

What happened to my country?

It is actually frightening that the following occurred in the United States and on a college campus to boot. Individuals actually signed a “Thank You” card to the IRS, thanking them fare targeting, harassing and slow walking the non-profit applications of Conservative and Tea Party groups. This was the brain child of Conservative pundit Caleb Bonham who said, “I was kind of hoping people would look at my card and laugh, but not endorse it.”  “That was not the case.” One student said while signing the card, “I love discrimination.” WTF!!! Seriously, would this individuals like love discrimination if they were the ones targeted? Oh, that would be different of course. And who in the hell loves discrimination of any kind? So let’s get this straight, those who signed and agreed with this thank you card agree that Big Government should have the power to destroy anyone who does not agree with them? Is that what this ignoramuses actually think? Of course not because they think they should be afforded a double standard. Maybe the next question should have been if they had ever heard of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

Students at the University of Colorado – Boulder (UCB) signed an enormous thank you card to the Internal Revenue Service for its apparent harassment of conservative groups during the lead-up to President Obama’s reelection.

In the viral video, posted on YouTube Tuesday, conservative pundit Caleb Bonham asked students to sign the large card that read “Thank you IRS! Tea Party Deserves it!”

“I’m asking people if they want to sign my board thanking the IRS for targeting conservative tea party and religious organizations,” Bonham explained in the video.

Sadly, this is a result of the brainwashing that today’s youth has received and a completely hateful attitude and disrespect of others. Some how they are to be afforded the rights of “Freedom of Speech” but others are not.  BTW, for all those who signed the ‘Thank You” card to the IRS … thanks for your names so that when the GOP is back in power, they can have the IRS target you. According to you, its perfectly AOK.

BTW II: How are those job prospects for all of you so-intelligent college grads these days?

President Barack Obama Sounding an Awful Lot Like Richard Nixon (VIDEO) … ” I First Learned of it from News Reports”.

Hmm, President Barack Hussein Obama is sounding an awful lot like Richard Milhous Nixon these days. The video below by Reveal Politics has side by side Obama – Nixon sound bytes and it sounds like they are separated at birth.  Even CBS’s Bob Sheiffer of ‘Face the Nation’ stated to White House advisor Dan Pffeiffer, this is exactly the approach that Nixon took during Watergate.  Nixon had Watergate, but Barack Obama is juggling three scandals, or is it four, at the same time and doesn’t have an answer for any of them. For those that refuse to compare Obama’s scandals to Watergate, what’s the difference? Both attacked political opposition, both used the IRS to intimidate, harass, and affect political outcomes. Both used the powers of the government against their political enemies, heck and even friends in the MSM. Oh, there was one difference … no one was left behind in Benghazi to die as they begged for help.

Remember how Democrats reacted when Nixon was caught in one scandal? But of course there is a double standard for Obama. Sorry, one scandal might be explainable. Two, makes one start to raise their eye brow. Three, is a very troubling trend and four, we begin to use the “I” word. The LEFT is losing their collective minds that their Obamamessiah, the president of ‘Hope and Change’ is nothing more than Richard Nixon with a “D”.

VIDEO – Reveal Politics

Rhode Island Governor Lincoln Chafee switches Party Affiliation Again, This Time from Independent to Democrat

Changing party affiliation like one changes their underwear … Chafee is a Republican, no Independent, no Democrat … no just a desperate politician.

Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee is changing party affiliation once again and switching from an independent to the Democrat Party. So Chafee has gone from a Republican to Independent to Democrat. He was never a Republican, Chafee like so many individuals in politics are nothing more than political opportunists who would do, say and change parties to maintain power. But from the Rhode Island Governor who has a job approval rating in the 20′s and who ended Christmas trees, this man will do anything to cling on to power. It’s one thing to change, if your party left you, or one has a true change of political philosophy, it’s quite another to do it for political expedience. This is exactly what is wrong with politics today. There are no statesman, just hangers on who think its their right to hold office. Hopefully, the good people of Rhode Island will toss this disaster out on his can.


Rhode Island Gov. Lincoln Chafee will formally switch his party registration Thursday, abandoning his status as an independent and joining the Democratic Party, the governor’s office told POLITICO.

Chafee quietly informed President Barack Obama of his intention to affiliate as a Democrat after reaching that decision in private, Chafee spokeswoman Christine Hunsinger said. The governor’s office confirmed Chafee’s plans after POLITICO reported that the governor had notified national Democrats that he’d be joining the party.

A former Republican who served with Obama in the Senate, Chafee has struggled with perilously low job approval ratings and faces a difficult reelection fight in 2014

Daily Commentary – Thursday, May 30, 2013 – Have You Wondered What Larry King is Up To?

Daily Commentary – Thursday, May 30, 2013 Download

Welcome to the Real War on Women … Saudi Writer Abdullah Mohammad Al Dawood Says Working Women Should be Molested

Hmm, a religion of peace, eh? What about a religion that respects women?


The next time that Democrats falsely accuse the GOP of a war on woman, you might just want to get a reality check and see what a real’ “WAR ON WOMEN” looks like.  Abu Dhabi, a Saudi writer has urged his Twitter followers to sexually molest women hired to work as cashiers in big grocery stores. HUH? You can’t make this stuff up folks. This is how stuck in the stone ages these folks are. The story goes on to say that, Khalid Ebrahim Al Saqabi, a conservative cleric, endorsed Al Dawood’s calls and said a law proposed by the government against sexual harassment in newly mixed workplaces was “only meant to encourage consensual debauchery”. YIKES, if they advance the idea that working women should be molested, what do you think they want to happen to women that were the top wage earners of their household?

Abu Dhabi: A Saudi writer has urged his Twitter followers to sexually molest women hired to work as cashiers in big grocery stores, the latest backlash from conservatives who want to roll back limited social and economic reforms launched in Saudi Arabia.

Abdullah Mohammad Al Dawood, who writes self-help books including one called The Joy of Talking, has stirred fierce debate this week via the internet microblogging service with the use of the hashtag harass_female_cashiers, to press for Saudi women to be forced to stay at home to protect their chastity.

His campaign against official moves to encourage women to work in mixed gender environments has led some Twitter users to denounce him. Others however applauded him as a fighter against government efforts to westernise and corrupt the country.

More from Atlas Shrugs, “Note, yet again, calling these religious misogynists “conservatives.” More media defamation. They are not “conservative.” These Muslims are devout.” So the next time that you are being told that Christianity and Islam is the same, you might want to educate yourself.

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