Liberal Radio Talk Show Host Mike Malloy Says “So when does Seal Unit 6, … Drop in on George Bush?
Liberal radio talk show host Mike Malloy made a not so vale threat the other day on former President George W. Bush. Malloy basically incited violence against a former president and stated the following, “So when does Seal Unit 6, or whatever it’s called, drop in on George Bush? Bush was responsible for a lot more death, innocent death, than bin Laden. Wasn’t he, or am I wrong here?”
See the VIDEO/listen to the audio at Real Clear Politics.
NewsBusters has the transcript:
MIKE MALLOY: I have heard some commentators talk about the fact that, all the lives that have been lost in this war on terror, and now the summary execution of the person responsible. But as soon as I heard that, I thought, well, bin Laden really didn’t have anything to do — did he? — with Iraq. And I think his only relationship with Afghanistan was geographical.
But Iraq — all the death in Iraq was not caused by bin Laden. The death in Iraq was caused by George W. Bush. Five thousand Americans, tens of thousands permanently damaged and shot to pieces, a million Iraqis dead — that wasn’t bin Laden. That was George Bush. So when does Seal Unit 6, or whatever it’s called, drop in on George Bush? Bush was responsible for a lot more death, innocent death, than bin Laden. Wasn’t he, or am I wrong here?
Could any one be more wrong? Let’s just hope some Secret Service men make a visit upon Mike Malloy and pose some questions to this lib as to what he meant by his comments. No, this is not freedom of speech, because you are not allowed to yell fire in a movie theater, bomb in an airport or make threats against a President, past or present.
What would the MSM be reporting if a conservative radio talk show host made such a comment about Barack Obama? We would be hearing about the mean spirited hate and a Tea Party reference as well.
Posted May 5, 2011 by Scared Monkeys Assassination, Former Presidents, George W. Bush, Islam/Muslims, Islamofascist, Media, Media Bias, Military, Moonbats, Osama bin Laden, Progressives, US Navy Seals, War on Terror, WTF, You Tube - VIDEO | 11 comments |
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11 Responses to “Liberal Radio Talk Show Host Mike Malloy Says “So when does Seal Unit 6, … Drop in on George Bush?”
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This guy has the ‘thinker’ pose, but
the bulb is obviously burnt out in up
there in his attic.
When a libatard says something like that, it’s “Freedom of Speech”.
When a conservative says something like that, it’s “a felony”.
He, he funny however Bush should face a tribunal over the thousands of deaths he’s responsible for because of his lies about Iraq.
#3: try telling that to the thousands of Iraqis that your boy Hussein drilled holes in the arms and legs. some had holes drilled in their skulls just for a laugh. go tell this lie to the Iraqis that Hussein maimed and crippled for life and then go home and look your own children in the eye and tell them the same lie . THANK YOU PRESIDENT BUSH .
If Seals drop in on Bush, it will be to say hello because he was the last Commander in Cheif they had. Now they are without one.
#3 What lies would that be Buster?
The military loved Bush, you’re right. Have you ever seen the receptions they gave him, and how he treated them? You would think they were all his sons and daughters, and he hadn’t seen them in awhile. The secret service had to drag him away from those kids.
According to this, Obama didn’t order the Seals to “Drop in” on Osama, Leon Panetta with the agreement of Hillary Clinton actually gave the order. Obama had to be dragged from a golf course after the fact and someone wrote a speech for him, which he delivered later that evening. Valerie Jarrett seems to be the acting president, or rather the inacting president.
I’m sure that Bush wants them to drop into.
He will have the bbq up and the beers cold.
Dolt…Bush has been sober for a long time and I know this for a fact because my neighbor used to work at the WH with Bush.
Get a clue.
true, forgot he was an ex-alcoholic.
Kudos to him for combatting his adiction.
He’ll have them over for a sprite (almost coke)