Nevada Senate Race Election 2010: Dem Harry Reid Trails Both Republican Challengers Lowden & Tarkanian 43%-49%
So much for the power of the incumbency and the position of Senate Majority leader. Could another incumbent Democrat be going down to defeat in 2010? In Harry Reid’s case, it would a crown jewel for Republicans to knock off the Democrats Senate Majority leader. Reid trails in the polls and this should be a wake up call to Democrats and their continued failure to listen to the will of the people …
In less than one year Obama has become a political albatross for Democrats
Democrat Harry Reid trails both Republican challengers Sue Lowden and Danny Tarkanian by 6 points, 43%-49%. Even former Assemblywoman Sharron Angle leads Reid 47% to 43%. Obamacare will be Harry Reid’s undoing as the state of Nevada is more opposed to the government take over of healthcare than the national average.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid continues to lag behind all potential Republican challengers in next year’s U.S. Senate race in Nevada, according to new Rasmussen Reports telephone polling in the state.
For now at least, his championing of the president’s health care plan appears to raise further red flags for the Democratic incumbent. Fifty-four percent (54%) of Nevada voters oppose the plan, while 44% favor it.
More significantly, however, those numbers include 49% who strongly oppose the plan while only 23% strongly favor it.
Harry Reid cannot poll more than 43% against any one opponent, a tell tail bad sign for any incumbent. Yet, Reid manages a 49% disapproval rating. There is no where for Reid to go … but a one way ticket home to Nevada in 2010.
What would Reid expect when he had gone out on a government take over of health care limb for a President in Obama who’s own poll numbers are crashing to the ground? As Real Clear Politics states, you can’t ignore Obama’s tanking poll numbers any more. Which come 2010 will make many wonder just how far out on the branch Democrats are willing to go for the one year failed President.
Democrats look to face the perfect storm in 2010 … Anti-Obamacare, Anti-Democrat and anti-tax & spend liberals.
Posted December 12, 2009 by Scared Monkeys 2010 Elections, Barack Obama, Harry Reid (D-NV), Obamacare, Podcast, Polls, Senate, Senate Elections, We the People | 4 comments |
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4 Responses to “Nevada Senate Race Election 2010: Dem Harry Reid Trails Both Republican Challengers Lowden & Tarkanian 43%-49%”
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This man has got to go.
The big mistake was not to do this thing right.
the dems came in to mess the country up.
A lot of the dem’s are gone.
[...] you honestly think that Nevada Senator and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is not in serious trouble and going to lose in 2010? Reid is basically making Obamacare his suicide [...]
[...] has consistently trailed Tarkanian, Lowden and Angle in the polls and the fact that Nevada is strongly opposed to Obamacare also points out the fact that [...]
Loyal Democrats are going to show up at the primaries specifically to dump Harry. There is one choice that is not a Harry shill, put there to split the hate Harry vote. I am telling everyone I can to check out Alex Miller at Health care was a disaster, now he is screwing up immigration worse than Kennedy did in the 60′s. Please help us stop this guy