David Letterman’s Pathetic Apology Way Too Late … I Take Full Responsibility for Bristol/Willow Palin Knocked Up Joke … Sexist, Creepy Pig


David Letterman … YOU ARE THE JOKE … and you need to be fired.

The whole joke and incident was just creepy.

What took you so long, a sincere apology would have been done immediately, not a week later after pressure came to bear against you. We all know what his first reaction was to the incident. Since when is it ok to cross the line and go after a child of a politician?

Vanderbilt_ letterman_jadedjstr

Vanderbilt – 09

Letterman, a onetime successful comedian has sunk to desperate
levels. Overcome with apparent hate for all things Conservative,
this joker is grasping for straws. He claims to ‘regret’ many
of his scripted attempts at humor, but, needs to apologize
to the Palin family directly, and to all the women of the world
for chauvinistic statements he considers ‘Funny’!

It took David Letterman a week to realize that it was inappropriate and not funny to wish a 14 year old girl pregnant. Because it is really funny that you make a joke regarding Sarah Palin’s 14 year old daughter Willow and that she get “knocked up” by Alex Rodriguez. And no, we don’t buy the excuse that, you did not know. Frankly, you would not have cared as long as your hateful remarks were made against a Republican. In this case the child of a Republican.

Now David Letterman apologizes? Suddenly the late night talk show has been takes “full responsibility for his actions.”  What happened to the comment that Sarah Palin needs to get a sense of humor? How come Letterman did not get the “Don Imus Nappy Hair” treatment?

Michelle Malkin best analyzes the pervs apology or as she referred to it as his half-assed apology. His apology was for the delivery of the joke, not it’s content?

Notice that he’s apologizing for the execution of the joke. In other words: If only he had written it more clearly to take aim at Bristol instead of Willow, he wouldn’t have been misunderstood. And he wouldn’t be under the gun having to say he’s sorry for creating the wrong “perception.” He’s sorry he didn’t pull it off better.

We have said this for years and liberals just don’t get it. What makes a joke funny is … it has to be funny, not vicious and mean. A long time ago David Letterman stopped being funny and started being a mean spirited liberal activist.

Protein Wisdom has the sort of apology. As Flopping Aces states, the perv should go. So when can we expect the Late Night Talk Show host to provide equal time and go after the children of Barack Obama or Joe Biden, hmm? The apology was done by Letterman because he felt he had to. However, the fact remains that David Letterman needs to be fired.

EXIT QUESTION: What is worse, Don Imus’ “nappy headed hoes” comment regarding the college aged Rutgers Basketball team or David Letterman’s “knocked up” hate regarding 14 year old Willow Palin? Imus was fired from his gigWhat is CBS waiting for with David Letterman? Or is it ok to make comments that underage, minor, 14 year old girls should be raped and impregnated by 34 year old man? Sounds like the same excuses that IMUS made. The difference is that they were made to get at Republican Sarah Palin, so in the eyes of CBS and MSM, that’s ok.

“We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news, and we made some jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughter, the 18-year-old girl, who is — her name is Bristol, that’s right, and so, then, now they’re upset with me,” Letterman said.

“These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl. I mean, look at my record. It has never happened. I don’t think it’s funny. I would never think it was funny. I wouldn’t put it in a joke.”

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  • Comments

    28 Responses to “David Letterman’s Pathetic Apology Way Too Late … I Take Full Responsibility for Bristol/Willow Palin Knocked Up Joke … Sexist, Creepy Pig”

    1. Dolf on June 16th, 2009 8:44 am

      doubtr that he would be fired.

      accoording to the rightwingers here its one of the few things that gives CBS a rating

    2. Jimbo on June 16th, 2009 8:51 am

      More phony ourtage for the right!Get a life!

    3. SUPER DAVE on June 16th, 2009 9:25 am

      Sarah Palin received the most harsh treatment of any presidential candidate at the hand of the democrat and the republican party also.
      i respect her because she still stands strong and does not back down.
      her family should have been off limits also but the back jumping democrats have shown their true colors by criticizing her family to no end.
      she did not criticize buttcrack barry’s family but
      stood and took all the democrats had to offer. this is why they fear her presence. muslims especially fear her for she has power and it goes against their beliefs.

    4. TIm on June 16th, 2009 9:35 am

      “One awkward moment for Sarah Palin at the Yankee game,” Letterman said, “during the seventh inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez.”

      Am i missing something? Where does he say anything about raping a 14 year old? Everybody, RELAX.

    5. Vote Present On The Bailout on June 16th, 2009 10:05 am


      It was a bad and sick joke about a politicians daughter. Obama asked that the media leave his kids alone, and they did. They never have honored this for Palin. Just like the ‘nappy headed’ joke by the DJ that got him fired a couple of years ago, this joke should have Letterman fired…if we are going to hold the same standards.

      Why the hypocrisy? Letterman should be fired if we are going to hold similar standards for tastelessness.

    6. Wolf on June 16th, 2009 10:07 am

      #4 TIm…I agree….She’s using the media..which can only hurt her in the future when she opens her mouth. I didn’t think the joke was right..but I think the rights are going overboard trying to get some attention.

    7. Rusty Bridges on June 16th, 2009 10:12 am

      #2, how would you feel if david letterman said that you sucked a-rods %$#@ at the ball game?

      #4, you missed the fact that letterman said that Palins Daughter got knocked up by a-rod at the ball game, her 14 year old was the only one with her at the game. So not is only letterman not funny, he is uninformed and a stupid ass. Oh, the perfect liberal, thats why libs don’t get it!

      Even though he meant it as a joke about the older girl, still not funny and extremely mean.

      What outrage would there be if something deragotory was said about obamas children or wife?

      Letterman would have more than a stalker to worry about if he said that about my child.

    8. Michelle Smith on June 16th, 2009 10:27 am

      #2,#4 & #6 Do you have daughters? Would you want some t.v. talk show host making jokes about your teenage daughter getting knocked up by a 34 year old man? These kind of things are not funny. It would not be funny if he had said it about Obama’s girls either. This is not about right wing or left wing, this is about having class and respecting others.

      Some of you people are just disgusting.

    9. rightknight on June 16th, 2009 10:34 am

      A fourteen year old, or an eighteen year old daughter
      of someone who represents a threat to Progressives
      is fair game. Imus made his remark off hand during
      the unscripted flow of the moment. Letterman calculated
      and carefully choreographed his queued delivery.

      David, you must keep in mind that the Clinton’s and the
      Obama’s have warned that their children are Off
      Limits! You are funny all right.

    10. BUN on June 16th, 2009 10:35 am

      How does this compare to what Don Imus said that got him fired?

    11. nurturer on June 16th, 2009 11:09 am

      #4 – Yeah. You are. Missing something. A remark (passing for a joke) about a ballplayer having intercourse with a 14 year old girl?

      That’s OK with you?

    12. Scott on June 16th, 2009 11:22 am

      jimbo – eat one. you are probably a child rapist yourself which is why you condone something like this. somebody should be keeping a close eye on creepos like you!

      If you don’t have Jessica’s Law, you need to write your governor before jimbo comes to your state!

      wolf and tim – you are complete MORONS. Yeah, I’m sure she is using this to prop up her 2012 presidential campaign…only dipsticks left winged toothless idiots would say something like that. This isnt hurting her one bit. Did Lettermen cave in and apologize? Yep! You know why? Because he knew it was wrong and in poor taste.

      In case you twits have not noticed, Lettermen was trailing Leno all these years and now that Conan is taking over, Lettermen needs RATINGS! Lettermen is the one furthering his agenda you non-thinking blobs!

      The thing is nobody wants to pro-create with dregs of the earth like yoyo, wolf, tim, bun, jimbo or whatever other losers who don’t have children or especially daughters.

      Bristol Palin is NOT fair game.

      What would you idiots do if your daughter at 17 told you she was pregnant? You wouldn’t think it was so cool if she was joked on, right…..But wait of course, you liberals would wait until she was in the late term and take her to a baby killer like Tiller and have her abort the baby because she would miss the U2 concert!

      F OFF!

    13. 11B40 on June 16th, 2009 11:32 am


      Back in my CAtholic school days, I was taught that a good confession requires two things, a firm purpose of amendment and avoidance of the near occasions of sin.

      Only time will tell.

    14. JustaMommy on June 16th, 2009 12:33 pm

      It’s just a joke people, if you don’t like his humor, just turn off his show. You might not think it’s appropriate humor, but we live in America and he has the right to speak what he feels, like it or not. It’s our 1st amendment right. We should use it as long as we can before the Government butts in and tries to take those rights away too.

    15. val on June 16th, 2009 1:31 pm

      bottom line….leave the kids out of it. Letterman does have it out for Palin. His lathing of her is almost palpable…but he loathes EVERYONE now. Heck, he probably hates HIMSELF! However, Palin is a big girl and gives as good as she gets. But leave her kids…ALL her kids out of it. They are NOT running for office. If and when they do, THEN they are game.

    16. Mike on June 16th, 2009 1:56 pm


      And we have the right to voice our disapproval.

      We also have the right not to patronize his sponsors.

      BTW where are his Obama jokes?

    17. Dolf on June 16th, 2009 2:25 pm

      mommy is making sense

      damn they always do

    18. Max von Feuer on June 16th, 2009 3:36 pm

      Remember as a comedian you can insult, curse, anyone you choose. Just make sure you call it a joke. This is a unwritten rule of life. NOT!

      On June 8th 2009 Mr. Letterman “joked” that a female Governor of the United States is “slutty” this is what fascists do they call people names give them negative labels because they do not agree with their agenda. They try to make them less human with their words. Discredit them. Letterman himself had a child out of wed lock. But he appoints himself as the morals police. CBS backed Letterman up with their silence. Watch another network, stop supporting fascists on TV.

    19. Jack Hammer on June 16th, 2009 4:44 pm

      You know how you get Letterman off the air. Quit watching him. Guess what, it won’t happen because some people enjoy him. It was a joke. Quit your balling. And Super Dave post # 3 – she was not a presidential candidate. You seem really informed.

    20. JustaMommy on June 16th, 2009 4:55 pm

      #16 totally agree with you. I would love for the entertainment and mainstream media to stop idolizing Obama. They would have alot of material to work with. Too bad they don’t do their jobs when it comes to him. He’s handled with kid-gloves and it’s getting pretty old.

    21. St Stephen on June 16th, 2009 5:35 pm

      To tell you the truth, I don’t care if Gov Palin’s daughter is 14 or 40. You do not pick on the politicians’ family.

      Mr Letterman showed the same crass and degenerate humor that Rush Limbaugh exhibited when he threw his vile epithets at Chelsea Clinton not so long ago. I in fact do not watch Letterman at all and have quit listening to Limbaugh years ago.

      Entertainers are in the business of entertaining and when they cross the line they either are sorry(as Letterman says he is, who cares) or gloats about it(as Limbaugh did back then). At any rate they are out of touch with mainstream America.

      My opinion is both are overpaid morons using children in an attempt to gain ratings. I would not fire them, I just do not watch/listen to them.

      By the way, Palin/Scarborough 2012 sounds good to me.

    22. david r on June 16th, 2009 7:51 pm

      Even if the ‘joke’ is about Bristol, it is still vile and reprehensible. There are many 17 yr olds who make a mistake like Bristol. For ridiculing all of them as whores, Letterman and his unfunny joke writing staff should be given the boot. We need to nurture young women and not write them off as comic fodder. Can Letterman.

    23. A Texas Grandfather on June 16th, 2009 9:34 pm

      Not only has Letterman trashed a young woman he went on to say ugly remarks about Sara regarding her atire by comparing it to (word not used) flight attendents where women make up the majority of that work force. This guy has no respect for women and I think both he and his boss need to be fired.

    24. Miss-Underestimated on June 17th, 2009 10:14 am

      David Letterman sucks, How long did it take Mr. Morals to marry his baby’s momma?

    25. Elle on June 17th, 2009 2:43 pm


      PLUS, how can we forget that “The Obamessiah” was a result of a 17 yr old unwed mom………..hmmm, not quite as funny to old Perv Dave now is it.
      I admire Sara and her daughter for not aborting Tripp, even when you teach your children family values and moral, kids will experiment and it’s how you handle those circumstances that truly reveals the depth of one’s character.

      Scott on June 16th, 2009 11:22 am
      jimbo – eat one. you are probably a child rapist yourself which is why you condone something like this. somebody should be keeping a close eye on creepos like you!

      If you don’t have Jessica’s Law, you need to write your governor before jimbo comes to your state!

      wolf and tim – you are complete MORONS. Yeah, I’m sure she is using this to prop up her 2012 presidential campaign…only dipsticks left winged toothless idiots would say something like that. This isnt hurting her one bit. Did Lettermen cave in and apologize? Yep! You know why? Because he knew it was wrong and in poor taste.

      In case you twits have not noticed, Lettermen was trailing Leno all these years and now that Conan is taking over, Lettermen needs RATINGS! Lettermen is the one furthering his agenda you non-thinking blobs!

      The thing is nobody wants to pro-create with dregs of the earth like yoyo, wolf, tim, bun, jimbo or whatever other losers who don’t have children or especially daughters.

      Bristol Palin is NOT fair game.

      What would you idiots do if your daughter at 17 told you she was pregnant? You wouldn’t think it was so cool if she was joked on, right…..But wait of course, you liberals would wait until she was in the late term and take her to a baby killer like Tiller and have her abort the baby because she would miss the U2 concert!

      F OFF!

    26. Deenie on June 18th, 2009 1:22 am

      David Letterman is a Icon of late night television. He is never to be compared with Johnny Carson. However .. David Letterman just as Johnny did not write nor have ever written their own Monologue. I don’t think any of this is of mention – SO WHAT. Its all BS. The only reason why Palin is taking this to the levels it has become is for her own free publicity. He never said the name of her 14 yr old Daughter. He was reading a script – it was not of his “Personal” Intent to harass nor ” stalk” the daughter of Sarah Palin. It was a scripted Monologue.
      MY MY MY I wish that my highways and overpasses got so much attention in my County .. that are falling apart and will soon cause injury to innocent people .. that This stupidity of Hollywood Politics and Media has EARNED from ” one phrase of a joke ” has created .. Millions
      Just like Octomom and Brangelina
      Get Real People
      Choose Your Battles
      SM: Sorry, stop the excuses. David Letterman has to approve the script. Do you honestly think that they would just say anything that is wrote for them? The answer is no. He does have input. And provides them with direction. I knew people who worked with DL when he was still with NBC.

      Sorry, Letterman screwed up and should be fired. Let’s hear him make jokes like this about Obama’s daughters and see how long he is employed. Any joke.


    27. ANewGirl on June 19th, 2009 6:31 am

      Anyone remember the time Rosie O’Donnell got so much flack when she asked the audience on the THE VIEW….”since when did Donald Trump become the moral compass of America?”

      Same applies here. Letterman is no Saint himself and those jokes were in extremely poor taste. I think someone here pointed out how badly Letterman’s show needs better Nielsen ratings. I think that’s the answer right there. Know what else? his lame attempt at a public apology sucked…sounded insincere to me.

      Palin handled the whole thing with dignity. Politicians children/families should be off limits….where are all of Dave’s Obama or Biden jokes? Appears as if there are none of those.

      Ask anyone who lives in Greenwich CT about the “real” Dave—rumour has it-he’s not the nicest Man in public either. Maybe that’s why old Dave-O-Rama has had problems with so many stalkers—must be all the garbage he spews out of his mouth 5 nights per week.

    28. TIm on June 20th, 2009 10:27 am

      #25 and a bunch of others..
      I’m a complete moron because im not having a fit about a comedian telling a joke? Whether you agree with the joke or not, it was a comedian telling a joke to get attention. Guess what, it obv work…everyone is writing books about it online. If you didnt like it, you should have ignored it. Instead you are fanning the flames in his favor. Good job. And the same free speech you guys are using to get on here and call people morons and child rapist, are the same free speech yoru trying to hang Letterman for. Yes i have a Daughter, and i served in the US military. I dont consider myself right, left, miiddle, lib or any of that. I consider myself american and i take everything on a case by case basis. In this case, i feel like everyone needs to just relax. Its my right to have that opinion.

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