Aruba With Less Tax Revenue … Lower the Budget and end the Civil Servant Nepotism Positions


What are the results of a continued downward spiral of tourism on Aruba? Civil servant fluff Captioncontest_CuracaoOfficerpositions must go to help balance the Aruban budget. All a result of the continued lack of tax revenue coming in from a depleted tourism industry. Aruba has had for quite some time an issue with a glut of civil servant positions hired as “political favors”. However, it is only now that Aruba is feeling the squeeze from the lack of tourism dollar that they now must address the issue to balance the budget.

The number of civil servants has increased enormously since 1986; especially the public order and safety sector grew the most. (You must be kidding)

ORANJESTAD – In order to create a balance in the government receipts and expenditure in 2009, the current increase in personnel costs has to drop with more than 60 percent, and the debt quote has to drop to about 40 percent of the gross domestic product (BBP).  Those are the most important conclusions of the national committee public finances that were presented in a final report to the minister today.

I wonder why they can’t pay for the old budget expenditures?

Aruba NH Vanderbilt

What a surprise that we learn that Aruba when compared with other countries it appears has the highest expenditures in government personnel. What a scary thought that one of the sectors that had growth in civil servant positions was public order and safety. What do they actually do? Or is that the point, these people are hired and are just a drain on the system.

Welcome to the reason why balancing the budget now requires cutting jobs in Aruba … The new face and logo for Aruban tourism.


The report shows that especially the high personnel costs is driving the government expenditures up.  The committee has compared these with other countries and it appears that Aruba has the highest expenditures in government personnel, namely 2760 dollars per head of population against an average of 1400 dollars (12.5 percent of the BBP).  Besides, the costs have increased with 10 percent in the past five years.  The number of civil servants has increased from 2778 to 6576 since the status aparte of 1986.  It grew the most in the sectors public order and safety, and education in the period 1986-2005 (58.4 percent).

Amigoe, February 9, 2007: Government personnel costs have to drop drastically 

The number of civil servants has increased enormously since 1986; especially the public order and safety sector grew the most.

ORANJESTAD – In order to create a balance in the government receipts and expenditure in 2009, the current increase in personnel costs has to drop with more than 60 percent, and the debt quote has to drop to about 40 percent of the gross domestic product (BBP).  Those are the most important conclusions of the national committee public finances that were presented in a final report to the minister today. 

The minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Nilo Swaen (MEP) established this committee last year in May to assist him in his policy and ambitions in the field of government finances.  The committee consists of the Aruban Investment Bank (AIB Bank) with representatives of the ministry, the Central Bank Aruba (CBA), Social Economic Council (SER) and a government official of the Dutch ministry of Finance. 


The report shows that especially the high personnel costs is driving the government expenditures up.  The committee has compared these with other countries and it appears that Aruba has the highest expenditures in government personnel, namely 2760 dollars per head of population against an average of 1400 dollars (12.5 percent of the BBP).  Besides, the costs have increased with 10 percent in the past five years.  The number of civil servants has increased from 2778 to 6576 since the status aparte of 1986.  It grew the most in the sectors public order and safety, and education in the period 1986-2005 (58.4 percent).   


The committee concluded that the government has to contain the growth of the personnel costs, from the current 6.3 percent to a maximum of 3 percent on annual basis.  The committee also recommends a core task analysis.  The government has already primed this project and it is expected to be finished off in July.  The government must not hire extra personnel until this analysis is done, says the committee. 

Other than a core task analysis, the government can also use other instruments to restrict the growth of the personnel costs, like cutting back the fringe benefits and a more efficient management.   

Also the government debt has increased considerably in the past five years.  The 38.4 debt quote in 2000 increased to 46.1 percent BBP in 2005.  The debt increased from 1.3 milliard florins to 1.9 milliards.  The committee recommends taking the government debt back to a maximum of 40 percent of the BBP.  Despite the government debt and the expenditures for personnel, the total spending of the government remained stable in the past six years, about 18 percent of the BBP, but it is still higher compared to other countries.

Posted February 9, 2007 by
Aruba, boycott, Economy, Politics | 53 comments

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  • Comments

    53 Responses to “Aruba With Less Tax Revenue … Lower the Budget and end the Civil Servant Nepotism Positions”

    1. bleachedblack on February 9th, 2007 7:06 pm

      Vicious cycle continues….loss of jobs> no personal income>
      increased crime rate> fewer tourists > decreased revenue> loss of jobs, and so on, and so on….

    2. katablog on February 9th, 2007 9:54 pm

      What on earth do 6576 people do on that one little sad island? I guess it takes one to fetch the frosted flakes, one to pour, one to add milk and one to eat ‘em.

      Well and then you need the people that go out and tell the witnesses to stay away, some to destroy the evidence, several to go collect the kick-backs, a few to malign family members of victims, painters for the crime scenes, probably at least one person to come up with the creative suicide tales for the victims and someone to type the blackmail letters.

      OK, I’m coming to see how the Aruban government can employ all those people.

    3. mayan_moons on February 9th, 2007 11:23 pm

      Whaaaat 6576? Hahaha katablog! Yeah what are all these people doing? They just stood arround scratching eachother’s backs all day.

    4. mayan_moons on February 9th, 2007 11:36 pm

      prolly scratchin other things too…..butt who nose?

    5. mayan_moons on February 9th, 2007 11:48 pm

      Safety Sector??? good lord….what are these people on?

    6. mayan_moons on February 9th, 2007 11:50 pm

      Ouch those numbers are brutal!

    7. Carpe Noctem on February 10th, 2007 12:12 am

      Yes, my dear friend Mayan…


      I’m almost positive
      they’ve been scratching
      one of each…

      Hey, ARUBA

      Go SUCK IT!

      You and Joran, Deepak, and Satish earned it.

      (& I simply cannot leave out Joran’s vat
      of pig slop of an excuse for a father, the same
      flunky judge, who helped torpedo an entire
      island full of people for his alcoholic derelict of
      a son.)

      Dear Paulus Van der Rapist you are laughable. -J4N

    8. Carpe Noctem on February 10th, 2007 12:44 am




      In May 2005 the eighteen-year-old American Natalee Holloway disappear on Aruba. Joran of of the ditch tell the police force firstly that he has brought Natalee at night to its hotel – but in reality he has left behind her on the range. The mother of Natalee starts an enormous retrieve medium offensive what has happened with its for the; she accuses the arubaanse police force of corruption and incompetentie.
      Until now nor the FBI, nor the Dutch and arubaanse police force have found a track of Natalee. In this book Joran reveal everything concerning its life and its meeting with Natalee; he tells prison over the three months in a arubaanse and finally gives he its vision on its disappearance. He is still head hoofdverdachte.

      cover pic:

      book link-

      JVDS Book


      In mei 2005 verdwijnt op Aruba de achttienjarige Amerikaanse Natalee Holloway. Joran van der Sloot vertelt de politie eerst dat hij Natalee ‘s nachts naar
      haar hotel heeft gebracht – maar in werkelijkheid heeft hij haar op het strand achtergelaten. De moeder van Natalee begint een enorm mediaoffensief om te achterhalen wat er met haar dochter is gebeurd; ze beschuldigt de Arubaanse
      politie van corruptie en incompetentie.Tot op heden heeft noch de FBI, noch de Nederlandse en Arubaanse politie een
      spoor van Natalee gevonden. In dit boek onthult Joran alles over zijn leven en zijn ontmoeting met Natalee; hij vertelt over de drie maanden in een Arubaanse gevangenis en ten slotte geeft hij zijn visie op haar verdwijning. Hij is nog
      steeds hoofdverdachte.


    9. yoyo muffintop on February 10th, 2007 1:05 am

      yeah…One flunky judge orchestrated a 4 Country/3 Continent cover-up (involving 100′s of people including a US congressman,NY/CA courts, and the fbi) that has continued for almost 2 years. Laughable Indeed!!!

    10. nychic on February 10th, 2007 1:06 am

      Carpe -

      I Realize It Was Difficult To Post That POS
      But Thanks FWIW -

      Seeing That Pic With That Stupid Look On His Face
      Just Makes Me Want To Scratch His Filthy Pig Eyes Out !

    11. nychic on February 10th, 2007 1:29 am

      yoyo -

      Can You Please Explain Why You Constantly
      Defend The Sweaty Pig Paulus Van der Sloot ?

      It Is Almost As If Your Mission Is To Divert
      All The Crap Known About That POS In Another Direction ?

    12. GRANDE on February 10th, 2007 1:37 am

      For the life of me I can’t understand why the working middle class in Aruba continue to bend over and willingly take it in the can, meanwhile the policy makers are eating Beluga escargots on their P4 registered private aircrafts. At what point will someone come forward?

    13. yoyo muffintop on February 10th, 2007 1:38 am

      and don’t forget Joran couldn’t be an alcoholic – all drinks in Aruba are watered down. Not possible, no way. If he or anybody else says he could put quite a few away, even if it’s his best friend, don’t believe it – watered down.

    14. mayan_moons on February 10th, 2007 1:47 am

      Hey Carpe!

      Someone should tie Jipshit to a tree, surround tree with same numbers of books sold & torch it, stokin the fire by spraying all that rot gut booze they serve the tourist.

    15. nychic on February 10th, 2007 1:58 am


      Let Me Be The First To Break Out The FlameThrower !

    16. mayan_moons on February 10th, 2007 2:03 am

      Glad you came prepared nychic!

    17. mayan_moons on February 10th, 2007 2:06 am

      Oh and don’t forget to hold you’re breath like DomPIGG said to Jip!

    18. nychic on February 10th, 2007 2:20 am

      yoyo -

      I Take It You Have Never Ordered A “Yard” Drink
      At Carlos n Charlies ?

      Joran Claims He Can Drink 15-20 Whiskey Cokes ?
      Pretty Stiff Drinks For A 17yr old ?
      Plus – With His VIP Pass – I Would Venture To Say
      He Can Get A Few With Double Shots In Them ?

      The Watered Down Drinks Referred To The Other Day
      Were Specifically Tied To The All-Inclusive Holiday Inn -

      (Better Lay Off The Not So Watered Down Makers Mark While Posting)

    19. nychic on February 10th, 2007 2:25 am

      Hey Grande -

      And Of Course – Let’s Not Forget The Millions Just
      Spent On TV Commercials Promoting Aruba – Without
      Using Any Real Arubans In Them -

      And What About Those Paid “Vacations” For ATA To Attend
      Planning Meetings In NYC ?

    20. mayan_moons on February 10th, 2007 2:25 am

      I’m predicting fireworks in the near future… wait….thats a crazy dutch dike packing TNT looking for a bloody mattress with jurine on it!

    21. Carpe Noctem on February 10th, 2007 2:36 am

      Yo yo,

      Keep your facts straight! The drinks are watered down
      for tourists only.

      However, for rapists and pedophiles,
      for Joran and his EXCUSE for a father…
      they get the good stuff.


    22. Carpe Noctem on February 10th, 2007 2:39 am


      Aruba Rapes & Kills



    23. mayan_moons on February 10th, 2007 3:04 am

      They must like it GRANDE to the tune *more more more….howdoya like it howdoyou like it*

    24. Carpe Noctem on February 10th, 2007 3:30 am
    25. Carpe Noctem on February 10th, 2007 3:44 am

      Thanks SM!!! for following
      the Natalee Holloway
      tragic story and for
      remaining a conduit

      The Aruban Bullshit can get THICK at times, yet

    26. nightraider on February 10th, 2007 3:45 am

      Really many sick tortured minds here. Not a wonder Pretzel finds himself at home here.

    27. levert on February 10th, 2007 4:08 am

      sorry…there is more than 6576 ppl in aruba….

    28. SL-Gloria on February 10th, 2007 7:43 am

      # 12 Grande,

      Beluga CAVIAR, which comes from the roe of the Beluga Sturgeon. Escargot is a snail.

    29. Richard on February 10th, 2007 7:47 am

      Carpe Noctem, did you do that compilation of images that starts this thread? Great work! We’ll find out on Tuesday whether PvdS getting a pile of cash needs to be added.

      At least, I think that’s when we’re supposed to find out. Who knows what Aruba will do.

      It just dawned on me that maybe the Kalpoes found out that JvdS wrote a book (much more likely: he allowed his name to be put on it), and so they thought they could cash in as well. Hence their lawsuit.

      I’m sure that Joran’s “book” has been sanitized so there’s nothing even hinting at evidence … not that Aruba seems to care. But we’ll continue to rub their noses in it.

    30. Richard on February 10th, 2007 7:49 am

      “The debt increased from 1.3 milliard florins to 1.9 milliards.”

      Can our Aruban friends tell us what a milliard is? Thanks.

    31. John Staton on February 10th, 2007 9:51 am

      Aruba continues to go as I have predicted. It is most likely that things will continue to get a lot worse and there will be a power struggle for what is left. The dynamics of reduced revenue with increased tax rates will continue to push the economy down and down. (see previous posts on the subject) Let the funeral games begin!

    32. NM on February 10th, 2007 11:42 am

      OK this is why so many of us in the US are appalled at the nepotism and conflict of interests in aruba.

      This is what we expect from our authorities;

      The Montgomery County District Attorney in 2 high-profile cases referred the criminal investigations to the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office.

      He was recusing himself because the treasurer for his campaign for county commissioner is a lawyer at the firm, which represents the 2 suspected criminals in these 2 high profile cases, to avoid even an “appearance of a conflict of interest”

    33. chris on February 10th, 2007 12:24 pm

      # 27 Can you read? 6576 refers to the number of civil servants, not the population. Always trying to correct us without knowing what you are talking about…..chris

    34. obx on February 10th, 2007 4:47 pm


    35. Maggie on February 10th, 2007 5:27 pm

      I don’t know about a 3 continent cover up, but I would bet the cover up started right at the VDS’s home with Straten and Paulus. They were good friends and worked together. I still laugh everytime I hear no evidence. You have to collect evidence the first 9 days after a crime to have evidence. How are you going to collect evidence if the last known people lied for almost 2 years where they took her that night? Not run around with paid liars on tv to tell one lie after another to the public. What do you need paid liars for unless you are hiding something. Why do 3 guys need 1 and 1/2 years of lies if they arent hiding something. Natalee didn’t evaporate and yes she was a victim of a crime on that Sunday night. They all know it, just like they all know an 18 year old girl didn’t stay on the beach at 3am alone to look at stars in a foreign country. Plenty of evidence she’s dead. Anyone seen her since she left Carlos n Charlies with those 3 that night???? I think not. Uh UH I didn’t want to go down by the fisherman’s huts to get my shoes I left by the Marriot, because I didn’t want Natalee to start talking again. Poor Joran the victim of an 110 pound girl.. 3 guys, victims of an 18 year old 110 pound girl who’s been drinking. Next fairy tale.. Who in the world would go to this country knowing what we know now. Simply put they would spend all the money on the island to trash and hide the truth from the parents of tourist who was a victim of a crime on their “happy little island” The elephant in the room hasn’t moved for a year and a half, its only grown larger.

    36. Miss-Underestimated on February 10th, 2007 6:08 pm

      Nobody one your beaches today Aruba.
      What did you think was gonna happen, we’d forget.

      Dompig did you train anyone else to use that sophisticated tracking system? Aruba have you cleaned the dump where Dave Holloway was digging looking for his daughter?

      Michael Dompig how come your dad said you lied? In other words he said you are a liar.

    37. Miss-Underestimated on February 10th, 2007 6:09 pm

      Your island will be come a pig eat pig system

    38. Miss-Underestimated on February 10th, 2007 6:14 pm

      I love it. In the description of the book Joran is referred to as It. Hey It, where’s your momma’s camera?

    39. Sharon Chicago on February 10th, 2007 7:54 pm

      How dare him write a book…the proceeds are his blood money…may it haunt him all the way to hell…

    40. Allan K on February 10th, 2007 9:54 pm

      Just another thing with Joran, he couldn’t tell anybody what happened, now 2 years latter he can. This says a lot about moral character and if you ever wondered did he murder Natalee your question should be answered now. He is a complete psycho to have tortured Natalee’s parents for so long. He is void of a conscious just like a psychopath. May he rot in hell. Deepak to have filed a lawsuit sounds ludicrous. He is as guilty as Joran. Steve Croes is criminal too!

    41. Katablog on February 10th, 2007 10:25 pm

      Joran couldn’t talk before because the book money hadn’t been paid. That’s what he and daddy sloot were saying when they said he’d talk when the time was right.

      But you can bet that not much of the book will be anything but fiction. There’s no way in hell Joran is going to tell the truth in that or any other book.

      YoYo – why so hostile? Do you really think we think there was a 3 country cover-up? No way! Our FBI couldn’t do a thing because Aruban officials controlled what they could observe. And observe is the operative word. They were not allowed to investigate. The Netherlands knows this was a cover-up – they’ve just about admitted it – but they want us to believe that it was just a badly botched investigation.

      There was no investigation. It was a total control of the evidence with most of it not collected, thrown away or destroyed. How could you believe otherwise?

      Do you really think Joran, Deepak and Satish are innocent? I have a hard time believing that anyone could believe that. Even Dumbpig said they were guilty as hell and he’s on your side!

    42. Miss-Underestimated on February 10th, 2007 10:56 pm

      Van Der Straate and Dompig, I wonder do you guys get nightmares, do you wake up in sweats wondering one day that someone will make you both have to fess up to what you’ve failed to do in the name of justice?

      I hope in your deep sleep at night every night you are awaken to see the face of Natalee Holloway.

      Same goes with Deepak and Satish, I hope your lovely dreams are interrupted with the playback of what happened that night.

      You cannot escape your own vile actions. You may think your home safe but your not.

      Time has a way of rectifying the wrongs of men, maybe not soon but someday.

    43. Mortella on February 11th, 2007 1:31 am

      How is beer watered down? Joran brags about drinking over a case of beer at a time. I would think it difficult to water down beer, would go flat, etc. but yo yo tells us that this is what Joran is telling us.

      They all lie, don’t they? Well, this is what Joran himself has said and bragged about many times. How a person that young requires that much to get plastered does speak to his alcoholism and comes from his own mouth.

      So what is this, a new lie, that Joran doesn’t have a drinking problem when we have all seen all those photos of him passed out hugging a booze bottle? No drinking problem there? Guess that depends on your standards and what one considers a problem. Passed out is usually a problem.

    44. Richard on February 11th, 2007 6:06 am

      Of all those civil servants, how many are Aruban and how many (probably the ones at the top) are the Dutch sent over to lord it over the locals? They, of course, can and do take off with their golden parachutes. Not so the rest.

    45. JusticeforNatalee on February 11th, 2007 10:34 am

      Will Joran’s book be classified as FICTION?

    46. yoyo muffintop on February 11th, 2007 12:45 pm

      mortella – what is your thoughts on 18yr olds from the US travelling to aruba and drinking alcohol? These kids having never had a drink before or been in a bar before it would seem to be very risky. Still doesn’t mean harm should come to them. Remember, these 18yr olds from the US are 3 years away from being responsible enough to handle alcohol. And what’s worse – someone drinking 4 years before legal or 3yrs before legal?

    47. dennisintn on February 11th, 2007 3:13 pm

      #45, calling jvds’ book a work of fiction is going to be the understatement of 2007. forward by jvds, written by a ghost writer, and edited to death by tacopina and probably his dutch counterpart. probably the only true statement in the entire thing is that natalee has “vanished”. the author of the idea that a book supposedly by jvds would be successful needs to be in a different line of work. unless he happens to own a paper reclamation company himself.

    48. Carpe Noctem on February 11th, 2007 5:43 pm

      Hey Jo Yo -

      You OF ALL people should have a solid grip
      on the MB KIDS drinking thing vs. the Van der Rape
      and Kalpoe demon spawn drinking under age.

      MB Kids were OF AGE and legally partying in ARUBA.

      Joran and Tishball were underage and were breaking
      Aruban law.

      Plain and simple.


      The MB Kids may have been letting loose
      and having a good time in Aruba, but
      they were not breaking laws.
      This is important to note.

      This thing has never been about American vs. Aruban…

      -It has been about Right and Wrong.

      -Following the Law vs. Breaking The Law.

      -Lying vs. telling the truth.

      Joran and Sneezy Spice


      They were acting like they were 35 at 17.

      They couldn’t tell the truth if held at gunpoint
      throughout this ordeal. Why are they lying?
      We still have no idea… because Gerold Dompig
      ALMOST got Joran to tell the truth?


      Aruba is a laughing stock now! They are the new benchmark
      for what small respectable nations DO NOT WANT TO BE.

      Listen to any tv news broadcast, they will tell you this.


      This makes for a really lame
      diversion attempt by people like the Van der
      Rapists & the Kalpoes, AND YOUUUU…

      Please don’t try to take the light off the
      main suspects in the Natalee Holloway case. -J4N

    49. ben on February 11th, 2007 7:09 pm

      Does anyone know if there tourist industry is still down,are has it picked up.Hope its down and stays down.

    50. Maggie on February 11th, 2007 8:19 pm

      I’ve been reading one of “James Patterson’s” books called “The Big Bad Wolf”. Some of Mr. Patterson’s books have a detective named Alex Cross who is them. He’s a detective solving different cases. In this book Alex Cross is studying to become an FBI agent and he goes to one class called psychopathic behaviour. Which he has to take to become an Agent. The teacher is talking about a Dr. Robert Hare who studied psycho behaviour for research through brain scans. He said through the brain scan they found that healthy people respond acutely to words such as cancer or death. Psychos register them equally such as the words “I love you” means no more to a psycho then “I’ll have another cup of coffee” Maybe less.. He also says trying to reform a psychopath makes them more manipulative. It said there are 40 characteristics of psychopathic behaviour just a few they listed were..

      1. Glibness and superficial charm. 2. Need for constant stimulation/prone to boredeom. 3. Lack of any remorse or guilt. 4. Shallow emotional response. 5. Complete lack of empathy. We all know they operate on a high level of deceit of which they say most of us couldn’t imagine.

      That’s how Joran can write a book. The world is all about him to him. It’s all about what they want and need. I do believe he’s a hazzard to society. There is no cure for a pyschopath.

      Get off the MB students.. they were breaking no laws by drinking in Aruba. Had Aruban clubs and casinos enforced what little laws they do have Joran would never have been in the casino around Natalee or CnC and there’s not a doubt in my mind she would be home in Alabama.

    51. dennisintn on February 11th, 2007 10:06 pm

      maggie, you’re right. totally right.

    52. dennisintn on February 11th, 2007 10:11 pm

      just a thought. maybe the aruban govt. realizes their responsibility in not enforcing their own laws and letting jvds and others get away with murder, so to speak, and under dutch law, be culpable in the disappearance and probable death of natalee. maybe they’re totally scared that natalee’s parents will sue the whole damn island, end up owning it, and throwing them all to the sharks.

    53. mayan_moons on February 11th, 2007 11:44 pm

      Hey dennisintn!

      Wouldn’t that be a HOOT! If anyone had a right to sue Aruba its Beth & Dave & Matt.

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