Daily Commentary – Friday December 8th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Love Me Slender, The New Elvis Reeses Cup

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The Dana Pretzer Show Tonight – 9 PM – Special Guests Attorney Jay Paul Deratany, Dave Holloway, Pat Pedraja, and Bree Smith

Great show by Dana tonight. Some very interesting insights by all of the guests. Here are the links to listen or download tonights show.

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Be sure to listen in here, or catch the one of the fastest growing podcasts in the country. We will have the show available for download about one hour after the show finishes.

Joran, Deepak, Satish … No Soup for You. Three Suspects Remain Suspects in Aruba

Confirmed by sources in Aruba, Joran Van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe Aruba 3 suspectsremain suspects in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. We would like to thank Linda for being the first to forward us the information.

The judge decided today that the 3 suspects stay suspects. So Karin Jansen has 5 months to come up with some new evidence. I really thought that they would let the Kalpoes go,but not Joran .. guess I was wrong. Anyway ,have a nice day… (1:34pm)

UPDATE: According to Mickey John, one of the two security guards initially arrested in Aruba in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, he is no longer considered a suspect. It appears that Abraham Jones was not in Court so there is no known status on his ruling.

Pearl Harbor Day … 65 Years Later … Do Not Ever Forget

A Date that will live in infamy …  Watch the following video of a montage of the events while FDR gives his famous speech. Those words never have rang more true than the times we live in a Post 911 World. Those that forget the past are destined to repeat it.

God bless the brave men and women who lost their lives 65 years ago today. We also honor the many survivors of that fateful day as they gather today in a reunion to many soldiers which may be their last time.

God Bless and Thank you to all from “The Greatest Generation”.

Pearl harbor

(Click on picture for video)

But this year’s reunion holds an urgency that hasn’t been part of gatherings past: Most Pearl Harbor survivors, nearing their 90s or even older, say it will be their final trip back to this place that changed the course of their lives and their nation forever. (Chicago Tribune)

Please see this video tribute

Also make sure and read:

Previous Post: December 7 … Pearl Harbor Day, “a date which will live in infamy”

Posted December 7, 2006 by
Military | 7 comments

You Can Make a Difference in the case of a Missing Child … like in the case of Chanderia Mitchell

As Rick Segall of “America’s Most Wanted” said to me once and as the popular TV CMitchellshow reminds us every week … “all it takes is one tip, for one person to come forward to solve a case”. You can make a difference.

Such was the case of missing Chaderia Mitchell and the good samaritan who came forward when she recognized a picture of the missing girl from the “Have You Seen Me?” cards from her mail. The end result … one less missing child. Be aware, pay attention. Its not always junk mail you are receiving in your mail box. Taking 10 seconds out of your day could mean the difference between a child being reunited with their loved ones, or not.

Ten days later and after five years on the run, Chaderia Mitchell was reunited with her father.

Her mother, who didn’t have custody, kidnapped her five years ago from the girl’s grandmother’s house. (CBS 11)

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