From the Pages of the ALE Coloring Crime Book … Chapter 2: Aruban Suicide

On a Caribbean island where tourism is king, its always important to keep the tourists safe. Any place that wishes to attract tourism knows it must protect those that bring revenue. One needs to look no further than South Africa and their predicament with crime and a recent gang rape of a tourist. Then there is Aruba … that simply looked the other way. Eighteen months later both those on Aruba like Jossy Mansur and those in Holland like Peter de Vries are showing to the world and Aruba what many of us knew from the outset.

Then again with a color-form and coloring book ALE manual coupled with a purposeful hindrance of an investigation; is it any wonder why we are at this point today in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

ALE 101, Chapter 2


(Vanderbilt – ‘06)

An important page from the ALE coloring book style training manual. Here, the objective is to recognize the signs of a suicide. The example shown is a definitely a suicide. More pages as they become available.
Better police work equals more tourism!

Posted December 12, 2006 by
Aruba, Bizarre, Crime, Natalee Holloway | 65 comments

Move Over Hillary and Obama … Dennis Kucinich Running for President

The Washington Post described Dennis Kucinich’s Presidential Democratic nomination run as follows:

Citing dissatisfaction with his party’s strategy on Iraq, Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (Ohio) announced yesterday that he would run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

It may have better been stated as follows: Citing dissatisfaction that Dennis Kucinich has received no face time since the last Democratic Presidential nomination debate in 2004, Kucinich runs for his parties nomination. Since then Dennis Kucinich has been in the “where are they now” files. I am sure Hillary Clinton lost sleep with Kucinich’s announcement for another run. Talk about doing something as a resume builder and to have that caption beneath your name when doing a TV appearance … “former Presidential candidate“. Forget the Obama media craze … Dennis has joined the big dance. Let the games begin.

As Dennis Kucinich stated when asked if he planned a 2008 run for the White House, “Yes, I Am”. Honestly, what else is he doing with his time? He might as well run as his candidacy falls in to the “what else am I doing vote for me” mode.

He says he plans to show up for every debate he is invited to — and even if not, he may show up anyway.

Posted December 12, 2006 by
Fun, Politics | 7 comments

Nicole Richie, Role Model – Daily Commentary – Tuesday December 12th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Nicole Richie as a Role Model?

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Posted December 12, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | no comments

Pelosi’s Choice For Intelligence Head – He Ain’t So Bright

When Silvertre Reyes was named as the compromise candidate for head of the Intelligence Committee, the Democrats expressed a sigh of relief. But after an interview with CNN, they should be afraid. Very afraid.

The new Democratic Intelligence Committee head is not the smartest, or observant, guy in the room. He was interviewed on who was Al Qaeda. HE FAILED. He was interviewed on who was Hezbollah. HE FAILED.  So the new “Intelligence” committee chair does not know the basics about the biggest protagonists to national security. Wonderful. Bet he is good at fund raising.

ReyesRep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, who incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tapped to head the Intelligence Committee when the Democrats take over in January, failed a quiz of basic questions about al Qaeda and Hezbollah, two of the key terrorist organizations the intelligence community has focused on since the September 11, 2001 attacks.

When asked by CQ National Security Editor Jeff Stein whether al Qaeda is one or the other of the two major branches of Islam — Sunni or Shiite — Reyes answered “they are probably both,” then ventured “Predominantly — probably Shiite.”

That is wrong. Al Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden as a Sunni organization and views Shiites as heretics.Reyes could also not answer questions put by Stein about Hezbollah, a Shiite group on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations that is based in Southern Lebanon. via

Later on in the article, the writer used a wonderful analogy. It would be like the Baseball Commissioner not knowing the difference between the Red Sox and the Yankees. Yikes.

The Dana Pretzer Show Tonight – 9 PM (Scared Monkeys Radio) Special Guest: Jossy Mansur

Please be sure to listen tonight live at 9:00 pm when Dana’s special guest will be Managing Editor of Aruba’s Diario newspaper, Jossy Mansur. He will shed insight on to the recent investigations in Aruba into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Jossy Mansur has been a one man wrecking crew lately with published reports from Diario regarding the three suspects, Joran’s defense attorney Carlo and the video tape of Gerold Dompig. News Jossy Mansur broke first on Scared Monkeys radio last week. Guests:

  • 9:00PM Jossy Mansur
  • 9:35PM Tim Miller (Texas EquuSearch) – HAPPY 60TH BIRTHDAY

UPDATE – The Show will re-air through the night. Click Here to listen to the Dana Pretzer Show for Monday 12/11/06 

Update: Podcast is now up.

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