Natalee Holloway still in AOL Top 10 of News Searches for 2006

Aruba, want to know why your tourism and economy is still in a state of disrepair? Natalee HollowayRemember that missing girl that you said the story would go away in 4 days? You should have listened. In 2006, Natalee Holloway was the #6 most searched news story on AOL.

Top News Stories & Topics: 1) Gas prices; 2) Steve Irwin; 3) Immigration; 4) Bird Flu; 5) Iraq; 6) Natalee Holloway; 7) Debra Lafave; 8. Rush Limbaugh; 9) Lebanon; 10) Hurricane Katrina.

The popularity of Natalee Holloway on AOL search engines and others also shows how the internet has kept Natalee Holloway’s story alive and hope for finding answers for her parents. Aruba, you want to rethink your strategy and convict the suspects now?

Posted December 13, 2006 by
Aruba, Internet, Natalee Holloway | 49 comments

Want a Date With Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco – Could Have Had it For a Buck

Kathleen_blanco_for_a_dollarWell, my opinion of the people of the great state of Louisiana has gone up a great deal. A fundraising auction in the state put up a dinner with the Governor Kathleen Blanco with bidding starting at 1,000 dollars. This is where the folks got smarter than George W Bush was.

No one bid.

So they lowered it to 500 dollars. Still no takers.

And so it went, till bank executive Malcolm Maddox bid it at a dollar. Thats right, dinner with the governor for a dollar. Eight bits. Can’t get a pack of smokes for that.

Dang Smart Folks in the Bayou, if you ask me my opinion.

Posted December 13, 2006 by
Main | 7 comments

Peter Boyle, Dead at 71

Peter_boylePeter Boyle, the actor who played Raymond Barones father, passed away last night after a battle with multiple myeloma and heart disease. The comedic actor reminded me so much of my childhood days on Long Island with the friends father or grandfather yelling sarcastic comments off the couch whenever the mood struck. Yet at the end of the day, he was everybodies favorite as long as the withering tongue wasn’t aimed at your direction.

Boyle, who had many other roles throughout a long career, from Young Frankenstein to Taxi Driver will be missed. RIP Peter Boyle.

Peter Boyle, the actor who transformed from an angry workingman in “Joe” to a tap-dancing monster in “Young Frankenstein” and finally the comically grouchy father on “Everybody Loves Raymond,” has died. He was 71.

Boyle died Tuesday evening at New York Presbyterian Hospital. He had been suffering from multiple myeloma and heart disease, said his publicist, Jennifer Plante.

“It’s like losing a spouse,” Doris Roberts, who played his wife on “Raymond,” said in a statement. “I’m going to miss my dear friend, so unlike the character he played on television. He’s a brilliant actor, a gentleman, incredibly intelligent, wonderfully well read and a loving friend.”

A member of the Christian Brothers religious order who turned to acting, the tall, prematurely balding Boyle gained notice in the title role of the 1970 sleeper hit “Joe,” playing an angry, murderous bigot at odds with the emerging hippie youth culture. via AccessAtlanta.

Posted December 13, 2006 by
Obituary | 9 comments

ALL Military Services Hit Their Recruiting Goals

Us_army_soldierAs the media and Democrats work hard to denigrate the military’s mission in Iraq and create a pervasive atmosphere of discord with our armed services, I am proud to read and hear that the military services hit their recruiting goals in November. God Bless our men and women in the armed services.

The Army, which is bearing the brunt of the work in Iraq, did the best. It signed up 6,485 new recruits in November compared with its target of 6,150 – meaning 105 percent of its goal.

All the services turned in similar performances in October as well, meaning they so far are meeting their goals for the 2007 budget year that began Oct. 1.

According to figures released Tuesday by the Pentagon, the Navy signed up 2,887 recruits last month, or 100 percent of its goal; Marines signed up 2,095, or 104 percent of its 2,012 target and the Air Force signed up all 1,877 it was seeking. via My Way News

Posted December 13, 2006 by
Military | 4 comments

National Immigration Raids Show Identity Theft Rampant with Illegal Aliens

Illegal_immigration_raidWe all know that illegal immigration is a huge problem. Well, today Homeland Security raided workplaces around the country arresting 1,200 illegal aliens working mostly in the meat packing factories for Swift and Co. All well and good. Well, think again.

How did these people get a job if they are illegal aliens. Well folks, if you do not have a social security number, no work. But these people ALL were working at a company that HR at it.

If you say they stole, or shared, someones identity you are correct. So here we are stuck in this morass of political correctness concerning illegal immigration when we are facing a huge problem with stolen identities. And don’t you dare bring this up or the PC police will be down your throat in a heartbeat.

Part of the investigation came about when a border officers social security number showed up associated with an employee at the processing plant. Or the lady who got a notice demanding $5,400 dollars for not paying her payroll taxes from the IRS. Imagine getting nailed for back taxes because some illegal alien stole your identity? (Hattip Michelle Malkin)

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