Joe Tacopina and Greta – Joe Comes out Swinging Against Jossy

During the Dana Pretzer Show this evening, we will be discussing with Jossy Mansur the latest breaks in the Natalee Holloway disappearance. Last night, Joe Tacopina, attorney for Joran Van Der Sloot in the civil case, was on Greta Van Sustrand. To put it mildly, Joe said some strong things about Jossy and we will be getting Jossy’s response to Tacopina’s accusations.

Posted December 14, 2006 by
Joran Van der Sloot | 18 comments

Lessons From History – The Trojan Horse

Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it. For a great laugh watch this video to see that most fail to learn this important lesson.

Posted December 14, 2006 by
Fun | no comments

The Suffolk Strangler Murders 4 in England

IpswichvictimsA serial killer named by the press as the Suffolk Strangler is leaving behind a trail of bodies. There have been 4 confirmed murders by this man in the Suffolk region of England over the past 6 weeks, all of them prostitutes.

What is scarier is that the police are swarming the red light districts of the region and may cause this psychopath to choose a target that is not a prostitute. With the holiday season coming up, the region has become very fearful as women are told not to go out alone.

Officers will now be making detailed inquiries into final sightings of the most recent victims, presumed to be Ms Clennell, 24, and Annette Nicholls, 29. They are both thought to have been murdered within the past week. At present the crime scenes where the women’s bodies were dumped have offered few leads. The first two victims, Gemma Adams, 25, and Tania Nicol, 19, were found in a stream. Police say they still do not know how they were killed and admit they may even have been poisoned. They are carrying out toxicology tests.

Ms Alderton, 24, who it is believed was snatched from the street and dumped on 7 December, was strangled. The area where the last two victims were found was covered with tarpaulins today as a Home Office pathologist prepared to carry out post mortems. Mr Gull said he believes the women have been killed at one location then dumped elsewhere.

Police fear that as the red-light district is swarming with officers, the killer may turn his attention elsewhere. Mr Gull issued a stark warning that any single woman “could potentially be in danger”. He said: “Clearly we are coming up to Christmas and the New Year. People will naturally be going out for office parties and celebrating with family and friends. via the the Daily Mail.

Posted December 14, 2006 by
Crime, Missing Persons | 4 comments

Sen. Johnson in Critical Condition After Surgery

Tim_JohnsonSenator Tim Johnson of South Dakota had a stroke yesterday while giving a press conference to reporters. Initial reports indicated that it was minor, but now the Washington Post is reporting that he went through emergency brain surgery overnight and his condition is critical.

Unfortunately, the politics of his illness may have a major role in shaping the Senate for the next term. Presently, the Democrats hold a 51–49 edge in the Senate. If Johnson is too ill to serve, then the Governor of South Dakota, who is a Republican, can name his replacement. Odds are that the replacement would be a Republican, thus bringing the Senate to a 50–50 tie, with Vice President Dick Cheney having the deciding  vote and control of the Senate would revert back to the Republicans.

While we would love to see the Republicans take back control of the Senate, we also recognize that this a persons life and health we are talking about. So from all of us at Scared Monkeys, our thoughts and prayers go out to Senator Johnson and his family for a full recovery from his illness.

Nursing supervisor Quinn Collins said early today that the senator was out of surgery and in critical condition. Hospital officials and Johnson aides offered no further comment or details; a more complete statement was expected later this morning.
The two-term senator’s illness — which sent Senate Democratic leader Harry M. Reid (Nev.) rushing to the hospital to check on Johnson — underscored the fragility of Democrats’ hold on the next Senate, which they won by the narrowest of margins in the Nov. 7 elections. Should Johnson be unable to complete his term, South Dakota’s Republican governor, Michael Rounds, would name a replacement for the next two years.via

Posted December 14, 2006 by
Politics | 2 comments

Daily Commentary – Thursday December 14th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Assata Shakur Not Worth Honoring

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Posted December 14, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | one comment

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