Castro Nears Death According To Intelligence Chief

CubaFidel Castro, Dictator of Cuba, is nearing death the United States Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte announced today. While this may not be a surprise to those who follow the news closely as he has been sick for a few months now, the word is still good news for those who love and respect freedom.

The people of Cuba have been living in fear of their lives for too long now. They fear that they will be imprisoned if they say anything against the government, or even put to death. The country lives at a poverty level that is obscene. And their tourism and trade businesses are hurt by the embargo.

However, when Castro passes on, the country could right itself quickly. Opening up trade and tourism on the island to the United States, getting rid of the trade barriers, and providing the people of the country freedom could create an economic tiger. And that would be good news.

“Everything we see indicates it will not be much longer . . . months, not years,” Negroponte told a meeting of Washington Post editors and reporters.

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Posted December 15, 2006 by
Politics | 11 comments

Has The Trap Been Sprung On The Kalpoe Brothers?

Has greed done its job on the Kalpoe brothers, leading them into the trap with the delicious smell of unearned gains (a trend or character defect?). Our Vanderbilt thinks so with his latest cartoon. My guess, so do the Holloway and Twitty Families along with their attorney John Q. Kelly.


Daily Commentary – Friday December 15th, 2006

Dana Pretzer in his morning update discusses

  • Toe Eating Dog and the Parents of the Year

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Posted December 15, 2006 by
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The Dana Pretzer Show – Tonight – Thursday, December 14th – Special Guests Jossy Mansur and Wendy Murphy

Tonight at 9 pm Eastern, Dana Pretzer will be interviewing Jossy Mansur and Wendy Murphy. The topics with Jossy Mansur will include new developments on the Natalee Holloway case. Wendy Murphy will discuss the newest developments in the Duke rape case.

As always, our call in number for the show is  closed once the show is over. Please call in only during the show. If you are listening to the PodCast the phone line will not be active.

UPDATE: Podcast Now Available:

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Posted December 14, 2006 by
Podcast, Scared Monkeys Radio | 31 comments

Breaking – Kalpoes Sue Dr. Phil – Holloway Family and John Q Kelly Answer With Wrongful Death Suit

We are getting reports in that there has been a flurry of legal activity in the Natalee Holloway disappearance. This is all breaking rather quickly and we will update when we get solid information in. First Satish and Deepak Kalpoe filed a lawsuit against Dr. Phil for playing the edited video tape created by investigator Jamie Skeeter. This is where Deepak allegedly said that they all had sex with Natalee “you would be surprised how simple it was”. Then in a surprise move, John Q Kelly filed a suit on the behalf of Natalee Holloway’s family against Deepak and Satish Kalpoe for wrongful death in a California court.

“All we want is justice for our daughter,” Twitty said in a press release issued about the civil case. “There is no doubt in my mind that Deepak and Satish played a role in my daughter’s death and should be held accountable. It’s unconscionable that they have not been punished so far.” Allegations against the Kalpoes, who are residents of the Caribbean island where Natalee Holloway was traveling on a class trip when she vanished without a trace, say the brothers caused her death by “intentionally, negligently, wantonly … unlawfully conducting themselves,” bringing about injuries that proved fatal. Foxnews

Again, the details are just coming in to us, so if you have any specific pertinent information, please leave it as a comment. As we get more information we will update the story as quickly as possible.

Update: FoxNews has an article up on the lawsuits. And Video. So does People Magazine. And the AP Story.

From the Kelly Group: Natalee Holloway’s Parents File Wrongful Death Lawsuit Against Arubans Deepak and Satish Kalpoe

A Copy of the Lawsuit filed in Court by the Holloways.

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